Monday, June 5

had a really relaxing weekend and sunday.....hmm....let me think...
* cheap but delicious japanese food (it s tofu is excellent )
* shanghai food and its 高力豆沙, yummy
* 2 bottle of red wine at a bar in stanley, the red wine is cheap but it taste gooood
* after the 2 bottles of red wine, 2 of us still go to a bar and had the beer till 3am so crazy ( it s my first time !!) and sorry that i really can't stop my tears when we talked about my s just a pressure from work, don't worry~
* and the most crazy thing is.....i am in love with bowling. i play 4 times during this week. so much fun~~

*高興於星期天的早上一張開眼睛看到身邊的就是你 luv that =)


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