Saturday, December 31


電腦壞了, LCD mon壞了, 相機壞了....


Friday, December 30



Thursday, December 29

Happy Birthday..


Thank you for your email, it reminds me...

Happy Birthday

Tuesday, December 27

但後來才知道桂花榚是’季節限定’的, 想吃也沒有辦法
吃了南瓜味的茶果, 中間的餡是不太甜的紅豆茸, 很美味

搭了一程很驚險的船到東涌, 之後到了附近吃了很平宜但很美味的晚餐


Sunday, December 25

Christmas Time.

Got drunk in past 2 days, for god sake, i didn't vomit or feel sick after that.
Feeling bad after wake up, had a tel. conversation with Jan... don't wanna go anywhere ...
The present still here...

Get confused of silent night and christmas day ? opps....

Tuesday, December 20

昨晚到了一間Russian Dishes既餐廳,

如果還有點感覺的話, 就Involve more, you can rescue the relationship when it is not too late
聖誕節是有情人的好節日, 沒有情人的, 和朋友到派對中飲飲紅酒也不錯,


有情人的, 捉緊對方溫暖的手吧...

Monday, December 19

TaiPei Trip 14/12 - 17/12

第一次和朋友到台北, 整個旅行都是衝忙的

台北的感覺, 對我來說, 很日本的
那街道, 那些日式溫泉, ....

Monday, December 12

Lu 's Grad. Photo Shooting

大家不斷問我這問我那, 其實是有點難受的
相信我, 我也不想這樣的
hae hae的, 影了這畢業相....
見到很久不見的ming...說起今年的聖誕節要怎過, 大家都說到他大陸的家
突然間想起上次的種種 - 大量的酒, 十多人的大被同眠, 四川火鍋 , 高卡車.......

後來的Karaoke, 感覺好一點
但事實上, 那些日子和那些感覺又不能重來....很矛盾...
Lu說他自己的事, 我很明白, 無奈所有東西來得早...

在karaoke中, 第一次看了光良的童話MTV....真是有點想哭.....

Sunday, December 11

Perhaps Love 如果. 愛

星期六看了< 如果. 愛 >, 所有感覺都很Moulin Rouge
金城武那錄音帶, 張學友的一巴掌…
最後的一幕, 很感動

到各大電話店比較W900i 和 O2 xda Atom…..朋友對W900i的情意結…嘻……都是我的O2好一點…hehe
在PageOne 裡不斷翻閱遊旅書…左看右看……enjoy it, don’t u ?

Wednesday, December 7

Thank you for your words..your words are right,
i admit i am mean....
i don't wanna escape anything...
"All the stuff should come to the end"
" I deserve the better negotiation "

don't squeeze me, i can't breathe....

company's annual dinner @ 24/12

hmm....why we need to do that damn stuff...
i feel myself stupid ....
being a model in the catwalk show, what the hell....

My lovely Silent night is spoiled desperately....sigh....

Tuesday, December 6

Reply ......

From: ur sister, Gloria (Dec 05, 2005 23:03 HKT)
Hello,u bitch..u alright?ive seen the pic and i am terribly jealous about u two guys..but what the hell is"cirque du soleil"actually???
i feel really bad these few weeks, the stree that i hv can kill me!!friends,boyfriend,college..everyone gives me stress...its a hell that i can decribe to u..
i wanna ask u, has Jackal got a girlfriend?u know we always concern about that for ages..he looks a little bit strange in those pics...haha..
u know Sha, my frined Craig really wanna c u and he always says u ar pretty..blablabla...i am envy!!!
Anyway,leave me a message in my diary if u hv got time, C U!

I am very fine, thank you (and thank you for your word "bitch", hehe)
Cirque du soleil....hmm..its difficult to say , maybe you can join us next time
Stress ? i think all human being suffer from that, so i think u should strive hard to fight against it...
Your bro ? opps...i think so, since he ask me to help him to buy the kinda ( the chocolate egg which got a small toy inside) and help him to collect the "ding dong series". i think he is weird.hehehe...
you know what, dad and mom always said Graig is cute, handsome, funny, wealthy....etc. after they back from england....What did you told them, huh? she said he is good to me.....sigh......

And did you remember the perfume which i ask mom to buy for me ? u know, it is limited edition, and the price is cheap ( since it s about EURO40 in paris perfume shop).......hehhehe

Maybe i will come to Paris in this Lunar New Year (still business trip), we can join in Paris...having the Mussel & champagne under the Tower Effiel to celebrate Lunar New year if you can....hehehe

Phone me if you really feel stressful.....
Heard that there is a snowstorm in Birmingham, so, remember to take more clothes
Send my regards to Ho, John and Auntie's family
And also, i will scan your photo ( with dad & mom) and send to you shortly. ( u know what, the quality of those photos are extremely bad )

Take care and study hard.....!!!

Love, Sha with kixxxx

Monday, December 5

但到那酒吧的時候, 那待應那熱朱古力已經out of stock.....
之後在西貢市逛逛, 買了很exotic的香薰蠟燭...
與mesodo坐在Freezer Cafe目睹那求婚的一幕...那"愛很簡單" ....


learn to appreciate all the things, included the cold weather and the warmth from the mug ....

Sunday, December 4


Went Tin Shui Wai to BBQ with friends. At first I am just feel emberessed since I didn’t know them quite much
After that, the wargame start…….it is really exciting …I love that, although it s painful when I get shoot……
And then Karaoke till 3:00am

Woo……what a busy and exciting day…..hehe

Cold weather, warm hug, sweet lips……..

Saturday, December 3

Cirque du soleil - Quidam 很好啊

與弟弟看了期待已久的cirque du soleil – Quidam ,
感覺真是很好, 因為我們的位置真是很近舞台,
之前買了cirque du soleil的dvd 在家看, 但原來感覺真是很不一樣
在家看的時候覺得那一切都是不真實的, 但現場看的時候, 看見表演者的驚險動作, 真是緊張得捉住雙手, 心臟跳得很利害, 和弟弟說 “很緊張啊!”

和弟弟一起去看的感覺很奇怪, 因為我們好久也未試過一起做一些事情,
其實, 真是蠻高興的, 嘻

Friday, December 2


睹? 我不喜歡賭.....

原因很簡單, 就是我不喜歡輸的感覺

還記得於數年前在Birmingham一間casino中, 拿著一張20英鎊到了counter換籌碼來玩輪盤. 我這個膽小鬼, 每次只拿出一磅投注......4個小時後我仍有十來個1磅硬幣, 舅舅見到後, 一手搶了我所有的硬幣放在其中一格......就是這樣, 我輸掉那20英鎊.........

想睹, 但又怕輸......很小家, 是嗎?