Thursday, March 30

dinner with dennis

與一位老朋友吃飯. 相識有十年了
大約於五年前沒有再見, 後來大家想約出來的時候總是很忙. 今次終於見了面
沒有太大轉變, 只是胖了三十磅 ( 男生胖才是福嗎…) 問他我有沒有轉變, 他說” 我常常看你的網上相簿, 所以我真是不知道啊! “ ( -_-“)
談了不少話, 問我的事業, 感情, 家庭…. 相反. 他很少說他的事

我常常說四年對我來說是一個Turnover, 但他提醒了我, 原來四年不是我的宿命….

偽文化人, 一起到電影中心看看電影吧, 嘻嘻.

Wednesday, March 29


昨晚發朋友脾氣, 一句”不說了” , 掛斷電話
心情低落得可怕. 約了muelmuel也立即推掉. 回到家中時也不想吃媽媽做好的飯, 只是haehae的吃了一碗通心粉....
吃著通心粉之際, 朋友再打電話給我, 她也知道我心情不好. 一句” 唉, 知你啦! 你點呀?”
事實上, 蠻窩心的

看了<春逝>這電影多一趟, 對我來說,是一套令我有感觸的電影
在心情低落之時, 再看一齣很傷感的電影,試圖以傷感的情節令自己哭一場

Tuesday, March 28

Sunshine is coming.....

原來天氣真是可以影響一個人的心情, 我記得我讀過一篇文章, 是北歐人在冬天時自殺比率比夏天時多出10倍. 而其中一個鎮要用幾十萬Euro去做一個mechanism 令到陽光可以反射到該鎮...

陽光, 是治療心情的天然良藥...

Monday, March 27

Recently, My Lovely Angel just fell alseep. And my demon just come up and destroy all the things in my mind.

Dear, wake up pls...

Saturday, March 25


晚上點著我喜歡的香薰蠟燭, 起床後發現蠟燭形狀很可愛

Friday, March 24

睡是睡多一點, 中醫竟然說我睡得不好
他叫我不可以吃酸的食物, 因為酸的食物會令我更加疲倦, 但想一想:前天我吃了大量日本酸薑, 數粒話梅糖, 一碗酸辣湯年糕…… -_-“

說真的, 整個人處於非常疲倦的狀態,
昨日由中國回香港時, 一上車子時不夠3分鐘就睡著了..同事說我很利害
同事覺得我心情惡劣, 沒有辦法, 整個人病下病下…..
身體內的時鐘飄忽地轉. 而且整個人腫腫的…唉呀…

相信, 運動應該令我感覺好一點

Wednesday, March 22

Mrs. Henderson Presents 歌舞廳最後一夜

Watch the movie with Mesodo. In fact, I am really fancy the movie which talk about the 1930s.
After the movie, we have discuss about the character of the main actress. We both like her so much, she is strong, innovative, and didn’t……..

Tuesday, March 21


生活, 無論如何也很難常常處於多采多姿的狀況.

試過放工後突如其來買了數罐白色油漆, 之後將家中所有的門油成白色, 弄到凌晨2時才可以睡
試過突然間買了多年不捨得買的外國連續劇的DVD, 一口氣看了六小時

地方是遠一點, 相聚時間是短一點
但見到他呆一呆後暗笑的神情, 心裡暗道”呵呵, 成功了!”


Saturday, March 18

坪洲行 + 紅酒夜

第一次到坪洲, 感覺 umm…是舊舊的,
沒料到了坪洲是行家樂徑, 行沙灘 ( 穿著boot 踏上佈滿青苔的石頭, 天氣又熱, 寸步難行, 濕濕滑滑, 真是想死)
後來偶然間找到一間很好的屋,四百尺兩房一廳, $2500/mon, 其實真的不錯
對不起, 未能為你找到一個合適的同房.....仍在想...

晚上到了Kirk的哥哥家中玩樂 (事實上我已經累到玩不到了,就是因為kirk.... )
飲飲紅酒,打打牌, 聊聊天. 感覺, 好像到了渡假屋一樣....
紅酒真利害, 看看kirk就知道..........嘻嘻...

期待Apr.1 大陸Spa + Golf之旅....hoho

Friday, March 17

My sister

Dear Gloria,
See? I can trace your path , hehe.
miss you really.
Thank you for your comment on my album, thanks really.
i think both of us will respect your decision. ^_^

整合Blog II – jan/aug 2004

不斷在想我之前所寫的blog, 但是完成沒有頭緒
無聊之下在yahoo搜尋, 竟然給我找到 2004年1月到2004年8月在HKAPA讀書時的日記

當然做了一個整合, 後來我發現有點事情,
首先是在那段期間我常常病, 十段文章大約有一半的都說自己病了
第二, 是大約有80%都寫於淩晨, 平均時間大約是二時多三時
第三, 就是說要休息的同時, 該篇往往寫於三更半夜
第四, 由於當然寫的東西往往太隱秘了, 所以現在看起來都不知道自己所指的是什麼

不過, 找到, 總算是好事…

Thursday, March 16

Punch-Drunk Love 私戀失調

Watch Punch-Drunk Love VCD at home
The story is weird but romantic, just talk about a guy who got “some” psycho problem, and he met the girl who love finally.
The story line is under my expectation, but the most attractive thing is the sound design and the visual design, especially the ending of the movie
The most romantic scene: they kiss at a hotel lobby when the guy went to Hawaii for her. ( as the poster )

This movie was recommended by a friend, and he said “oh u should watch it, it is one of my favorite movies”, umm……….i think he suit this movie so much.since his personalilty just like the actor.hoho…..

My angel

Bless the day he came to be
Angel's wings carried him to me
I can fly
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings

My angel

Wednesday, March 15

TransAmerica 尋找他媽...的故事

Watch < Transamerica > with Melolo. The movie is really cool. Just talk about the Transexual “guy” met his son
it deserve to spend your lovely night to watch it.
The actress is extremely cool, since i can’t distinguish her real sex. -_-”

And his son “Tobby” is a really handsome and cute guy...woo, we both agree he look like Leonardo diCaprio ....

Tuesday, March 14

獨自在家中看在世界中心呼喚愛drana version, 很好看, 一邊哭一邊看

後來在sigur ros 的網站看Iceland Full Version Concert. It buffered all the time, 激死

Monday, March 13

前幾天朋友對我說有關她男友的事, 事實上蠻感動的
她說他們像不雙襯, 兩個世界的人走在一起
她要為了他而不敢到貴價的餐廳吃飯, 他為了她上班後再去讀書

所以當他們在一起的時候, 男的都會珍惜所有的, 記得她對他說的話, 所做的事
“當我飲著紅酒時, 就會想起你說你最喜愛智利的紅酒” 他對她說
事實上, 她反而覺得自己不好. 因為最少,她對他不好,

世界上是沒有什麼雙襯不雙襯, 配不配 因為這個是自己去定義
喜歡就可以了, 管他吧

Sunday, March 12

奇異的事情發生了, 我竟然在今早7時起床

Friday, March 10


想了很久, 也想不到原因
可能是因為感冒未消, 但發又發不出來, 卡在裡面,...
腦子不斷想著要做的事情, 但是手腳不協調
是時候想少一點, 多做一點; 吃少一點, 郁多一點, 抽少一點. 睡多一點;

Thursday, March 9

CD cover

無無聊聊下做了數個cd cover, 原來用AI做是很容易

Wednesday, March 8


這幾天頭暈暈, 喉嚨乾, 周身骨痛,
什麼地方也不想去, 什麼東西也不想做
買了期待了很久的O2 XDA atom , 但沒有太多心情弄弄 ( 正常的我理應download 所有 software試試)

大約有十年沒有看過中醫, 昨晚朋友陪同下到了他常看的中醫,
醫師摸一摸脈, 說"你不可以吃津白”

i will sleep more, for beauty sake..

Saturday, March 4

Special Trip 01

第一次實行Special Trip.
目的地: Lamma Island 到一間位於索古灣與榕樹灣之間的一個cafe

到了IFC一間Bakery 買了幾款的麵包, 大家去嘗嘗味道 (實在很難用言語來形容那Mini Chocolate Donut. 很美味)
美味的Blueberry Cheesecake + 阿婆的山水豆花
拿著那可愛的Holga 貓貓相機 ( 見附圖 ) 四處拍拍
做了人肉相機腳架 (不過那張照片仍然有點震)


Friday, March 3

what s your personality type?

Just go and have a test....
Idealist...hahahaha, in fact, i am practical..haha

Your #1 Match: INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

Your #2 Match: ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Your #3 Match: INTP

The Thinker

You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.
Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.
A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.

You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.

Your #4 Match: ISFP

The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

Thursday, March 2

Sigur Ros is coming to HK

Just heard a net friend that my favourite icelandic band Sigur Ros is coming to hong kong ....
i am extremely exciting....
can't wait......

Wednesday, March 1

get away from hell

Muel說得沒錯, 就是因為還年輕


實在太sweet, 甜絲絲, 我記得有一段時間你是這樣稱呼我
你我實在有太多合照,…我會送你一份禮物, 你要等我呀

西貢的熱朱古力已out of stock的話, 不如就趁這寒冷的數天到soho試試自製熱朱古力吧, 好嗎?
其實以前dom 問我入apa開心的事是什麼? 我的其中答案當然是認識到你這位好友, 嘻嘻
期待你坪洲的家, 多謝你讓它成為我假日的渡假屋…hoho

p.s. the photo created by mesodoho. copyright reserved. hehe