Thursday, August 31






p.s.Lolo:努力學習,享受北京/內蒙之旅,拍多點相片,不用太想我了=P (另外我媽媽常向我提起你,叫你小心一點呀)

Setting gals meeting @TST

setting gals meeting 又欠了兩人

試試她剛剛試完的; 鞋子不襯試的衣服,身旁的脫下他那高跟鞋給另一位穿上來襯襯


實在太喜歡了.I luv you gals,xxxx


Tuesday, August 29

25/8 - 27/8 diary

25.8.06 Fri Rain *leehom rocks!!

sickleave, so i sleep till noon. so happy. Fel.sung phoned me and we had a nice chat, glad that her bf can get back to her. she said she need my help later but she still not say anything about that. Dear diary: pls remind me to ask her after her Japan trip, 1 wk later

with *Kenny * Rebecca * Leon *Windy to watch this concert.
i brought ESO 350D to the Leehom Concert. however, the lens is not really suitable for the concert, so i cant take the close-up for Leehom the handsome guy.? The concert is awesome, he got a really great face, a nice voice, with a perfect body shape. when i watch his concert , i just question why there s a perfect creature on earth.
Kenny said all guys should jealous him since all gals in the venue seems gonna crazy (even her bf are sitting by their side, keep silent) , and he also said he is the guy can be 女子十二樂坊one ppl version. since he can play lots of musical intrument : Guitar, Piano, Violin, Drum, erhu......And he can sing, can compose, can dance, rap, can direct some movie thing.....oh.... what a talented handsome guy.....

i can't stop saying he is a perfect guy even my bf was by my side. Windy and I both said if the dream guy only got 3/5 of Handsome as Leehom Face and Body and familiar with only 1 musical intrument is enough for us already....( hope my bf can skipped this paragraph ...he can't see tat, he can't see tat , malimalihom)

the pity thing is we didnt know his song so well, and his rap is too fast, i cant catch up even i m watching the lyric on that screen.
after that, we went to dessert and having a tasty "cheung-fun" at s hard to imagine that the filling of the cheung-fan is roasted duck and grilled pork....yummy....

26.08.06 Sat. Sunny * Lantau Island trip..
god help us
the weather is not so well on thur and fri. , but when i awake at nine on sat. morning, the sunshine the plan still going on.
the trip is orginized by bf's football member in his company. their activities is playing beach football, beach volleyball, bay-watch

But windy and I just ignore them , and we juz go far from them and having a sunbath. The weather is super fine, we just lying on the beach and chatted ( hey, windy, why we can chat all the time ? we chatted a lot thru phone, msn, office email, face-to-face already...hehhee). We both got little tanned. Thats really cool .

And we had found a superb restaurant/bar near the beach .. we got a really nice afternoon tea : a seedloaf with Cucumber Yorgurt dip , and a glass of Lime Squash. we enjoy that soooo much. it s worth to visit tat place again ....a really nice place.
I admit Windy's word - we both are easily satisfied with our food...juz a slice of bread is okay already, hehe.

after the sunbath, we juz back to Bf's colleague 's house ( it s nice indeed) and dinner and play ...those orange flavor brandy (44% alc, omg..luckily i juz got 2 small glass..but leon..oh..poor him)...that twister (u know, that game really twist my arms n legs together, n feel tired after the game..oh, its a sign of gettin old, sigh..).....we had lots of fun indeed
we played till 1130pm and leave. a really relaxing weekend, made me remembers the old days, a gangs of youngsters booked a house in outlying island and stayed 2days1night, bbq, mahjong throughout the night.

and thx u my bf that i knew he take care of me all the time. i know he afraid me getting bored. but dun worry, i can enjoy myself. but i really luv tat, adored by him.

27.08.06 sun sunny *bball match
being his bball fans.
unluckily we had spend almost half hour to find the venue for practice. and we just walk upstair n downslope, it made me sweat and the sad thing is the match was cancelled by organizer's fault.

but although the hot and humid weather made me sweat, i didnt have a proper dinner, but i really enjoyed tat so much [i think he can saw me keep smilin all the time.]
i can yelling at him 'hey, mr.cheung, do ur push-up ar, don't be lazy...'
its sooo funny ..hehe be continue.......

Friday, August 25

*finish the book the joke already. a harsh book for me...

*sickleave today, coz i dun want to get bored inside the bloody office, but i still got 3 more weeks to go....sigh~ i m still suffering ....

*thank you muel muel for ur canon 350d, i will help you to take some great shoots for leehom tonight but you know what, it s so horrible when i walk downstair which got 90degrees steep , with my 2inch height high heel in the rain during midnight ..sigh.......

(the photo taken aboved by your 350d , hehehe)

Wednesday, August 23

diet plan

self-invented diet Plan mon-fri ( practice this plan for 1.5 weeks already)

Breakfast - Fruit (peach / cherry mainly ) + half slice of plain bread + a cup of low-fat Coffee
Lunch - plain mai fan + lots of vegetable
Dinner - Soup + Vegetable + Fish
Dessert - Fruit or Plain Crackers

+ Dr. Chan 's "Loss Weight Smelly Herbal Tea"

i dun feel hungry ...that s good
*But unluckily, i ate too much during i will try eat nothing/less on Sun.
And the plan spoiled if I hang out with friend to lunch / dinner
Result - loss 3-4 pounds in these 1.5 weeks ....the progress is low
Target - loss 5 more pounds


Tuesday, August 22

brand new day

今天晚上寪好了Resume, 收拾好了工作桌.
(但突然間發現自己買Playmobil,扭蛋越來越多,真不知怎收藏=( )

sis leaves H.K

但昨晚心情又沒有什麼特別,可能是因為科技太發達,有webcam,有online photo album.



Monday, August 21

move on


Saturday, August 19

frankly speaking




希望他明白我的想法 (重申一次,如他真有這想法,我以後不管了)

哭了三天,連續兩天戴者帽子上班,同事們問我是不是想轉hip hop look..sigh


很喜歡做他球賽的觀眾,原因是我可以不用說話,遠遠的看著,他入球時可以歡呼,射罰球會為他緊張,最正的是當他一air時可以笑他而不會被打. (不過最可惡的他打完後大汗淋漓之後抱我…)

Thursday, August 17



近日心情己是到了極度差的狀態( 由哭到激動到生氣於這數天同時發生)
星期二實在太忙, 沒有心情想...


他聽了後,竟然對我說 : 你那麼不開心的話就辭退吧了,經濟上都可以的
媽媽一邊聽一邊哭一邊駡,說" 那xxx, 真後悔新年時送她蘿蔔糕 " "不開心就走了,他會玩死你的,明天辭退,去完旅行後再找工作吧 "

"你冇鬼用,比人蝦上心口一粒聲都唔出,真係...“ 她仍邊哭邊說

“比人蝦" 這幾個字由星期六晚到今天星期三不斷重複在耳邊, 由同事朋友

不過,請你和我一起看守著我的決定 ,不然我又將它弄失了


Tuesday, August 15

thank you my love

想我嗎, 嘻嘻

Monday, August 14

你想的是你要得到即時的宣洩, 而我想的是你的後果
我所顧及的事之程度是你不能想像得的. 我是清醒的
但你怎不能因為生氣之後什麼也不理, 你的轉身會令你身邊的人感到難受
如果雙方各自生氣的話, 沒有人主動一點的話, 我相信很快就不行了有沒有想過身邊的人也會很生氣, 但你感受到他也盡量令你平靜下來嗎?

而昨晚之事真是對不起, 我的做法令你有點誤會, 事實我這樣做沒有這什麼意味或暗示. 我的出席只想做出我之前給你的承諾, 而且我希望給你知道我仍在你的身邊支持著, 但無奈的是我實在太難過, 我相信我不可能和你有直接的對話, 所以我只可以只樣做
車程是遙遠的, 袋子蠻重的, 我為了的是短短的3分鐘, 為的是想你知道我的支持但無奈的是你的態度也令我更加生氣和難過, 我相信如你真的找到我在那兒, 你的態度我也會令我生氣
你寫的話令我真難過, 對不起那sms.

對不起,仍然控制不住我的眼淚, 只想平靜下來


Sunday, August 13


i didn’t do anything wrong, i didnt get drunk and do something silly to anger u, but why did you blame on me ?

i still by your side if you need me, all people can be the witnesses

i didn’t do something to trigger or to provoke this, i m just in the passive way

i do nothing (juz cried in front of my sis and craig when we off the taxi, i m useless)

if you don’t believe that, just leave it.

Friday, August 11

happy birthday

i knew u have read my blog

i juz wanna say " happy birthday"
wish you all the best

little magic

White chocolate bar+a toy= little surprise

May those tiny stuff can sparkle your life up,hehe

dinner with *twinzen

dinner with twinzen at central..
吃過晚飯, 之後再到LKF吃花生飲啤酒 (我只是飲凍檸檬茶,唉,怕肥呢)

談了很多話,說說他和他的Finland Angel的相遇故事(都很浪漫的)



Monday, August 7

softhard - long time no see concert


- 來一個Lunch K,很enjoy(雖然前一天也與妹妹和她男友Craig唱到凌晨2時)
- 到了寧記吃火鍋,食物一般啦...都是譚魚頭好吃點 ( 不過真是很肥)
- 去看尾場的軟硬LongTimeNoSee的Show.

可能是期望太高,又或者是不太切合年齡(我相信老多三四年會好得多), 所以真是覺得不怎好看. 而且還覺得有點悶...
反而當林海峰說話時, 我想起很喜歡的兩套戲, 因為該兩戲之vocal也是Jan負責的 - 戀愛起義 和 天下無雙.. 一邊聽著他說話一邊在想是時候重看這兩戲

看過後到了吃糖水( Chocolate Sundae with Banana) , 真好味....我還在回想那cornflake...

p.s. 這演唱會團真不錯....hoho, 很期待 Leehom八月尾的concert....
p.s.II. thanks for bring me home, that s sweet ! really sweet indeed..

Friday, August 4


這個世界隨時都要崩塌 我沒有其他的願望
假如明天將消失了 趁現在我愛著


Thursday, August 3

Enclosed pls find the Love Letter

Dear my dearest,

Back from Bangkok/Pattaya 5-days trip,
those sweet memoriesss still running inside my head.

you awake in sudden during the mid-night and searched for me on the bed,grabbed me close to your body, hugged me tightly and then you just fell aslept is soooooo sweet..

i feel like being adored even i m sleeping

i like being hugged in the water, had fun on the beach, I remember you just put me On your back, and walk to the way I want to and thrown me into the water. your warmth transmit to my body.

My heart was warmed

when you told me " hey, zip up your bag ar!" I feel so happy, u know, i m the big-head-shrimp ma...

we had a good time at the Pattaya Hotel, that balcony is such a lovely place, we had Lay's Chips and chatted till 300am. i still remember you fell asleep on that bench in the morning..hhehe.
When we went out and planned to have a drink in Pattaya the sin city at night. you grab my hand tightly, I dont feel fear anymore lu.

when we went Siam Night Bazaar by ourselves, we tried to bargain all the time, and we counted every single bucks we had. I like that feeling (but i dun know why , hehe)

That song you gave before was played on the TV in sudden when we played poker with Aunt and Uncle. I still remember that you looked at me and smile shyly. Sssoooo sweet....

you know what, it is a such a lovely trip and i love it most. Compare with Beijing trip, i think this is far far better. ( although Beijing trip is superb already) , it is sweeter, happier, and we start to have common eating habit, sleeping habit....And we still not have any argument during the trip, Perfect Match ?! hehe

But the sad thing is , i m getting used to sleep by your side ....i feel sad when i m lying on my bed alone during the midnight. Hon, be faithful as i told you before. Everything can be possible. ( You see, your sun-and-beach dream had come true already....hehhe)

Our sweet sweet period prolong.......

ai ya, ho miss you tim, dim ho ar?
i miss the smile and kisses when you finished the Bday present Treasure Hunt.....
Ngor Oi Nei.

with kixxxxxxx