Friday, June 30

awake lu

I can't feel myself this 2 weeks , all i can remember are: Frustrated before work , frustrated during work and frustrated after work ( you may say I m depressed all the time)

Suddenly,i seems awaken from those nightmares..
i start to know my short temper do harm/bothered whoI love and care.

To u: thank you for your opinion, it helps.

To u: thank you for your sms and your long-distance call , it s sweet. (u should enjoy ur trip darling...i m touched)
To u: thank you for your help, all the stuff will be wracked if you dont give me a hand
To all of u gals: thank you for the lovely gathering( we talked so many things- our old times, our love affair, Mr. Morgan Stanley..hhehe) , u gals really my best mate ( i m really looking forward to be your bridemaid~~add oil....)
To u: thank you for listen my murmuring , you are my best listener. thank you for your support and your tolerance. you want to cheer me up all the time, i know that

don't worry about me, I will be fine
love you all~

Wednesday, June 28


工作終於忙完, 心情反而更加不好.
昨天自動放棄shopping的好機會,(在巴士中不能小睡 , 咬著手指, 前面的女仕睡得左右搖擺, 看著她, 想嘔 )
回家吃過飯, 看了無聊電視節目. 之後獨個兒到運動場跑步...出了一身汗, 心情好點
本以為自己今天可以好好 (多謝lolo今早給我的短息, 很甜)


Saturday, June 24


今早9時正下No.42巴士, 急步回公司
抬頭看看天, 天空很藍, 陽光非常猛烈

想著想著 (但雙腳仍急步中),有一隻手從後拍拍我
轉身, 是一個男仔( 好像是與我撘同一班巴士的) 他遞給我一個摟蛋,我依稀聽到他說(因為我正聽著陳綺貞的旅行的意義)”送給你的”之後他就轉身一支箭走了

摟蛋內有一隻小豬鎖匙扣, 還有一個電話號碼( 我相信是他的吧)

各位小花們不用羨慕,首先,他送給我的不是我喜歡的 , 而且最重要的是...你們明白的...呵呵

Thursday, June 22

let s kissing


hey, dude, let's kissing (with your hon, not me), for beauty and health sake

ipod skin

GelaSkins 推出了很美的ipod skin, 最喜歡的就是 Botticelli的Birth of Venus 以及 Klimt的the kiss. 價錢都可以. 一張貼賣US$14.95,國際運費$5.95,約162 港元。
不過可惜的是它沒有為ipod 1G 推出 ( 我的ipod太公沒有新衣服..真可憐) >_<

Tuesday, June 20

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!


昨晚在家上上網之際, 突然有位女子問我有否興趣演戲(是art movie n semi-documentry 的那種)
她說她在Xanga的APA blogring 找到我
事實上, 是都有點興趣, 因為我也有看過她所寫的兩齣片子, 而且我覺得蠻好看的
但是, 我不是讀acting的, 而且也不懂怎樣演 (還記得那次在apa時做演員...黑色deep-v大露背晚裝+行也行不到的2'高高跟鞋, 面對著何應豐..真是很怕)

所以一口就說: 我不是演員來的, 她說是我的外表與她所要的相似...
和她說著, 想起相士對我說的話 (叫我去試試做演員..)...-_-" 有點準...

Monday, June 19

got a really cool friday night and weekend :

fri: Argentina Vs Serbia @ Stanley Bar and restaurant and then just go straight to a really hip outdoor bar @ CWB near Lee Garden and watch Netherlands Vs Cote d’ivoire. we can have a beer and throw the peanut shells on the floor..and i miss the young coconut and crispy Nochos (high recommmend this place , hehe)

Sat: my hon just pick me up after work, lunch and being his superfan on his basketball match ( and i have a nice chat with Lilium also coz we talked so many things. ^_^). And then we go to have a expenisve-and-tasty-but-costy seafood dinner at Saikung. And after that, just go to a bar ( not that hip) at kwun tong and watch the match of Czech Vs Ghana ( my “fan”tastic of Mcdonald is gone~ so sad) we drank and play till 230am. hohoho

in fact,
:i do treasure our leisure time.
:i do love being his bball superfans
:i do admit that i have drank so much beer during this week ( it s world cup’s fault)
:i do admit i m a moody gal and get into the depression trap easily
:i do try myself not depressed after drank (and drank less too )
:i do plan our next trip ^_^
: i do luv the lyric he told me
:i do luv being adored by him

Friday, June 16


繼而試過不同blog之後, 發現online fotop album 都有好多的選擇

點算好..本來已經想申請Flickr的pro account. 但fotologue版面實在太好


Blog: myexpression, bloghk, showhappy, spymac,, MsnSpace, Blogspot ( used 2 yrs), Xanga, Wordpress, LiveJournal, .mac
photo album: Sony Imagestation, pBase, Webshots, ( used 2 yrs), Fotop GB, Ringo, Flickr, .mac, Fotologue

唔洗咁多選擇呀, 真煩..

For members only: World Music added to Jam Pack samplers

You might be a virtuoso, or just an air guitar prodigy. Either way, GarageBand lets you create, perform, and record your own music, by putting you in control of your own professional recording studio with hundreds of instruments. Add a GarageBand Jam Pack, and it’s like having a vast pool of session musicians and a record producer at your disposal.
And right now, you have the exclusive opportunity to find out for yourself what a difference Jam Pack can make. Because .Mac members can download a free sampling of 400 Jam Pack loops – 100 loops each from the all-new World Music Jam Pack, along with Symphony Orchestra, Remix Tools, and Rhythm Section. Use them to build a foundation for your solos, or create an entire composition of your own. You can also add loops to your podcasts and even score a musical soundtrack for your iMovie or iDVD project.
400 free GarageBand Jam Pack loops. You’ve got to like the sound of that.

cool. lets download it when i m home sin ..


*accomplished book - shopaholic take manhattan
*paid credit card fee
*watch the jacket movie
*loss my weight
*finish all sample request sheet, start working on .ai
*massage toning oil
*change the template in blogspot
*consider which blog i should choose
*take photos for my toothbrush
*14times missing phone calls in the morning
*searching a "louder" alarm clock
*robbie williams concert hkd$2400/ticket, what the hell
*trouble sleeping

*exhausted*periodical depression arise*

Thursday, June 15


這片子大約於二年前在電影院看過. 看了後完全沒有什麼大的感覺 (那時可能工作實在太忙, 坐在電影院可能是發了呆也不一定)
後來上星期由於看了孫燕姿我也很想他的MV, 故此突然再想看多一次
昨晚獨自在家中躺著看, 發現原來第一次看時是沒有真正暸解劇情, 今次看的感覺多得多.
"人死, 是不是愛也消失" 這個概念不斷圍繞整個片子中. 事實上男主角的種種就證明愛從沒有消失.
那張結婚申請書, 那隔了玻璃的吻, 最後在澳洲的Urlulu上, 男主角聽著Aki於十多年前留下的遺言

那一段刻骨的, 真感動

Wednesday, June 14

一代科學家郭金到了香港, 我對物理宇宙什麼理論沒有什麼大的興趣
對他來說打字(說話) 是一件艱辛的事, 故此我相信他的句子句句都是有意義, 沒有任何廢話

Tuesday, June 13

goodbye, my old identity



p.s. i have set the resolution of the pic extremely low, so dun try to enlarge it, it is useless , hehhe

Thursday, June 8

My personal DNA report

My Personal Dna Report

it s seems cool~~ lets try it


昨晚晚上十一時於公司樓下, 坐在熟識的司機之的士回家 ,

天下著雨, 身心疲累

突然間, 聽到的士上播放著我近來很喜歡蔡健雅與孫燕姿唱的原點


"馬小姐, 那麼晚才下班, 很累是吧?"

"張先生呢 ?他昨晚也call了車呀"

"下雨了, 你趕緊想想哪處下車最好, 淋濕了很容易病的"


就這樣, 疲倦消失了, 好心情仍然持續.

感受多一點身邊的小事物, 可能會有意想不到的收穫呢 ~

(如要這的士司機的電話號碼, 請電我, 嘻嘻)

Wednesday, June 7

深白色二人組 魚在水裡哭MV

my favorite song



事實上, 真的很難受
工作十多小時, 對著自己我不想對著的人
今早起床時心情已經不好了, 早上八時才起床. 頭痛得利害,
趕著上班得連摸小狗的時間也沒有. 小狗只得坐在洗手間的門外搖著尾巴靜靜地望著我
朋友說: 工作量太多了, 而且你的工作又不是得到世間財, 不開心的話不如早點離開, 休息一下吧

她說如果我可以於今兩星期內完成的話, 是沒有可能做不成的
我心想” 你話架..”
這兩星期無論通宵也好我也要完成我那150個design, 我就是不相信我自己不能做到
有時候, 心裡想 ”我在做什麼呢? 那麼辛苦又為了什麼呢?” …但這個關口, 我要丟下這種種念頭


Monday, June 5

Re: 投訴


有關你的投訴, 我已通知我家小姐
事實上我家小姐實在很想念你, 只不過你的手電長期處於這樣的狀態, 哪又如何再聯絡上閣下呢?
我家小姐想請閣下到本舍相聚, 把酒談歡, 但小姐知悉閣下實在忙得不可開支, 故不敢打攪太多

而有關 "重色輕友"的問題, 我相信我家小姐...umm...應該不會吧.....

小姐於閣下的網上相簿中發了一個sha&me 的相簿.. 其中一張於costume make-up課堂中的相片也在其中, 真的不得了 -_-"

而我家小姐一定要回閣下一個字, 就是 ~
另外, 礙於閣下的新聞台中有本小姐照片兩大張 , 故此我家小姐要以牙還牙, 還閣下相片一大張, 請見諒.
小姐少不更事, 好勝心強, 閣下大人不記小人過, 請莫見怪. 嘻嘻.

p.s. 以後, 請交電話費*
見字後請電我家小姐, 謝!


had a really relaxing weekend and sunday.....hmm....let me think...
* cheap but delicious japanese food (it s tofu is excellent )
* shanghai food and its 高力豆沙, yummy
* 2 bottle of red wine at a bar in stanley, the red wine is cheap but it taste gooood
* after the 2 bottles of red wine, 2 of us still go to a bar and had the beer till 3am so crazy ( it s my first time !!) and sorry that i really can't stop my tears when we talked about my s just a pressure from work, don't worry~
* and the most crazy thing is.....i am in love with bowling. i play 4 times during this week. so much fun~~

*高興於星期天的早上一張開眼睛看到身邊的就是你 luv that =)

Friday, June 2

definition of play

怎去define你是否一個愛玩的人呢 ?

而且玩得時候應該玩得盡興, play hard~~ 玩得不盡興的話就不再有樂趣了

但我也可以待在家中看看電視,打掃房間。到cafe飲飲coffee, 看看書。
朋友有時看見我在msn中出現,問 " why don't u hang out ? it s a lovely saturday night."
其實,點解我唔可以係屋企呢? 點解我一定要出去呢 ??
如果星期六hangout是一件悶事,我寧可在家中看電視打打機聽聽音樂睡睡覺( 我知道機會是微一點)
當然好玩的話我就立即衝出去啦 ,嘻嘻

愛玩 ?不愛玩?