Wednesday, June 29

強戰世界 war of the worlds

Watch the World Piemiere of war of the worlds at UA Admiralty with JanJan tonight, it is better than my expectation , u know, i hate the kind....

Tuesday, June 28


終於上了網了, 第一次用mac上,感覺真不錯
昨晚仍苦惱icq transfer file的問題,一下字用了adium就解決了這問題 太好了

今天新的designer上任了,她很像很ok的,但當我看過她的ai圖之後,心沉了 (是我要求太高還是她的問題呢? 唉,算了吧 )

Wednesday, June 22


昨晚與同事到了Bobbi Brown 買東西, 感覺實在太好了 (雖然貴了點, 但整個人的心情輕鬆不少...嘻)
今天OT,這是可預計的, 開會到下午六點, 那怎可能不O呀.....可悲

Monday, June 20

X&Y - coldplay

The newest album - X&Y , by Coldplay.
It s better than the last album - A Rush of blood to the head....
The rumour confirm, her last day is coming friday (24/06) .........
Reading < 黑夜之後> by 村上春樹 recently.......

I still can't online for 3 weeks already, what a hell, it is torturing....

Wednesday, June 8


真是太震驚了..為什麼會這樣, 為什麼他不對我說 ?
聽到這消息後, 呆坐了五分鐘, 我很怕............


Tuesday, June 7

It's so great~

My PM just arrived my place, it s gorgeous. It is silent, and cool.
However, my previous broadband ISP is full of shit, so now, i need to wait for my new ISP to set up the network for me....Still need to wait 6 more days to get online