Wednesday, September 29

the terminal

Watch the movie - The terminal in the cinema tonight, really like Tom Hanks, since the time of Forrest Gump....

i just wonder that i watched many movies that he act : Forest Gump, Sleepless in Seattle, You' ve email, Catch me if you can, Green Miles.....

This movie, is more funny than i expected , since i suppose that the mood is seems like Sleepless in Seattle 緣份的天空.
However, it's not.

The film is good, however, it's quite exagarrating, i just wonder why the ppl can sleep in the airport for 9 MONTHS, it is unbelivable, and also , the most funny that is he can earn by himself in the airport and buy a Hugo Boss suit and Meet a BEAUTIFUL flight attendent ~~~~

I love the Peanut Can, i love the scene of New York Snowy Night, I love the actress, I love the airport , i love this movie

Tuesday, September 28

mid-autumn festival

Mid -Autumn Festival is just represent i can have a holiday, other than that ...nothing...

But i made me think about my childhood...
during that night, i will urge my mum and have a quick cook and have a rush dinner..Then, i will go downstair and lighting up all the candles and arrange it into a circular shape, and then i will just stand in the center of the circle...the feeling is cool......u can try it~

How about this Mid-Autumn Festival ? just having the Haagan Dazs ice-cream mooncake (Academic Almond Flavor )...yummy

Saturday, September 25

今天家中也有不少事煩惱著, 似乎大家真是需要給予多點時間去看清楚這學校的種種, 不要太早去prejudge

晚上陪了朋友, 她, 感覺上, 好像沒有什麼值得傷心似的

近來, 沒有什麼東西可期待, 日子平淡而充實....而近來我更愛上看電視劇集 ( 因為故事實在太出人意表了 ) , 好像想將這三年的電視劇瘾一次發放出來似的

很快就大結局了, 真有點緊張

home sweet home

由於工作之緣故, 這星期大多時間留在中國 (由星期二到四)..
一回到家, 感覺真好得多..

Tuesday, September 14

germany year zero

Watch the movie called Germany Year Zero (1947), Director: Roberto Rossellini
The story is about the post war period in Germany, Berlin. The boy was taught that the inferior (include old, sick, useless) should eliminate by the superior..And so, the boy kill his dad who was sick by potion.
Although noone know this fact, he was commit suicide becoz he was guilty.

The film, although is in black and white film, i didn't feel any boring. The quite sad, since all character in this film is got a happy face.

Monday, September 13

i love hkapa

在節目, 看到很多同學或是師兄姐, 最高興是看到Twinsen, 他那種陰陰笑的表情, 真是太棒!!
無可否認, 整個節目將演藝包裝得非常華麗 (全港唯一有關Performing Arts學府, 人才也能達到世界等), 連我自己也不禁怗怗自喜

Proud of being HKAPA student ~~

Sunday, September 12


You hold the answers deep within your own mind.
Consciously, you've forgotten it.
That's the way the human mind works.
Whenever something is too unpleasant, to shameful for us
to entertain, we reject it.
We erase it from our memories.
But the imprint is always there.

Can't wash it all away
Can't wish it all away
Can't cry it all away
Can't scratch it all away

The imprint is always there. Nothing is ever really forgotten.

Wednesday, September 8

Leo - Blood type B






【 對您的忠告】

Sunday, September 5

beach day

與朋友去了Stanley beach, 輕鬆一下, 但實際上當沙灘蓆舖在沙上, 我就急不及待躺在上面, 一躺就睡著了..

P.S. 多謝Bun Bun...有他的順風車...太好了

Friday, September 3

my big fat greek wedding

感覺上沒怎樣變, 不過人就多了很多.看書的, 吃東西的, 甚至有位伯伯坐在梳化上"閉目養神"
我借了My Big Fat Greek Weeding, 感覺不錯..
如果有位男士為了我而去轉變自己的宗教, 生活習慣..真好

My character

看了其中一個spymac member 的blog寫下的:

7月24日﹝金星‧情人﹞ 代表人物:巴勒維(政治家)
具有非常迷人的個性,浪漫、感 性、優雅、尊貴;喜愛音樂和藝術,欣賞美好的事物 ;喜歡追求刺激、新奇和變化。
