Saturday, September 30


just find out it is in LVMH group , great~
Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armanikarl lagerfeld n Giogio Amani were the designer for the first pret-a-porter collection

deadline: 3rd Oct.
for: Japan market , v.i.p. souvenir

1. tote bag
2. pouch
3. keyring
4. phone string

add oil baby~

"that's perfect"

headaches start from 00:00 in these few nights ...god...

it must be a signal to indicate " it's time to sleep" ( but i just back from the movie with windy...sigh......)


(but when i receive "that's perfect" email, feel so good )

p.s. tell you about the "devil wears prada" later ~

Friday, September 29

just 2 days..
give some time to pick up / to rearrange.

don't you think you can handle all the stuff well in these 2 days.. u are silly....
pressure must let u down

the newcomer

when i accept this position, the pressure must getting heavier than before, it s undeniable.
as before, i m assistant, helping my fucking senior. but now, i m independent.

i studied and worked in fashion design field before, but now, i m the graphic gal.
surprised that i got the courage to change to other field
the title changed, environment changed, even my work's nature changed.

these 2 days, damn busy ( although i can off at 7:30pm, i need to squeeze my time out and go to washroom during work time)
i need to amend / revise/ redesign the ex- designer's work, I HATE THAT.....
3 more designs need to hand in during this week, hell......i still didnt have any concept about TRIBAL stuff....paisley,

" i want to be a graphic designer! " i told to my friends many times since i m studied in polyu ......

AND NOW, I M IN.....
but this bitch just thinking something else : its prospect, its future, my ability, my

p.s. it is 11:00pm, i should searching some reference for that. but now i have NO MOOD..
ng work la, designer need mood to work ga ma........( la, sha's excuse start again ~)

Wednesday, September 27

sweetest holiday*22.09 - 26.09


不知為什麼,這個假期總有生離死別之感, 總想以後最少三個月也很難再請數天的假期(可能是因為那經理說的話吧.)


男友為了我請了假,吃過舊式茶樓的點心 (好好味...),玩保齡球(又好像進步了^^), 之後兩個人到了stanley晒太陽,好寫意 ...晚上與kirk吃晚飯,看大丈2 (不錯的一套片子)

與 男友和他家人到了harvey nichols 吃過brunch (請不要誤會,不是貴貴的)之後陪aunt看看眼鏡 (我又看中了一副gucci的, hkd$1950, 很像有點貴,不過真是很襯我,又不用和bro用一副眼鏡,真好...不過又破財了 ..sigh....), 行行harbour city, 遇上最不想遇見的人. 晚上與 ryan*windy*kirk*liliun 到了 shooters52吃過晚飯, 之後來一個drinking party -

這一個drinking party是我說得最多話的,而且溝酒溝得最利害的一次: chivas很多杯, angel's kiss x2, tequilla shooter x2, magarita, vodka shooters x2. 我知道我是醉了,但不知因為什麼有很多人也對我說一些很嚴肅的說話. windy 和 jan baby 兩人醉著抱著我 (男士們不用羨慕了)
淩晨三時男友拉著我和janjan走了, janjan真是像隻小貓 =p (事實上,蠻感謝他, 我就是喜歡他這樣子, 他總令我想起剛一起時的一刻

sun ﹣ mon:
本約了男友與他家人於11:00am於信德中心,8:00am男友已經叫我起床,但我真是宿醉了: 躺在床上不能動彈,之後想吐但肚子空空,胃子反了但什麼也吐不出 ,坐在厠所裡咬著牙刷一坐坐了大半小時,很辛苦
11:15am到了信德 (我知我的樣子面青青的.一定難看得很), 一上船就強逼自己要睡了,睡醒了好得好多
整 個macau trip 真是很好,有很好的massage與suana (很喜歡與aunt在sauna房身體只圍毛巾談天 以及她為我order的橙汁呢), 有美食 (那魚和egg tart真是太好了),有超棒的rasberry-flavor 的泡泡浴,有好男友的照顧與感謝他為了我背著重重的袋子在行行走走,而且被他抱著睡的感覺也真是很不錯 ^^ 真是很開心呢

是windy baby 的生日呢 ,happy birthday ar ^^muah~** (你要期待你的禮物啊)
與她的同事在central吃過lunch, 味道還真不錯,之後與壽星女行行街了
到了g.o.d.吃了很美味的apple pie with ginger ice-cream ( 這真是super match呢 ) , 談談天,我喜歡和她談天,沒有什麼要顧忌,舒服得多

sha. you will be fine. everything will be fine. tomorrow will be ur great day~

不過,再見了我的假期 (ding,又來了,講到自己好像要關在牢中

Thursday, September 21

USB Cell Rechargeable Battery

A recent battery shortage here has left us all digging through drawers to try to find power for our Bluetooth keyboards. The USB Cell Rechargeable Battery from Moixa seems like a clever solution, turning any USB port into a battery charger. Currently available only in AA format, other standard sizes as well as camera and phone batteries are set to launch soon, making clunky chargers and enviromentally hazardous alkaline batteries obsolete. Two-packs are available online for £13.

that's useful wor..when we can buy it at hk le?


although i had a hard time today, i cant stop smiling all the time (except when i m coughing and sneezing...)

2006.09.20 wed. sunny day

goodbye, my buddies (e.g. macro, carol, julie, michaelle, henry,..)
goodbye, my boss glad that u had this idea ( although it cant work out ), the proof is enough for me..
goodbye, my colleagues who loves me. thank you for everything
goodbye, my drawer key + calcular + staff card ( i m stupid...aiya...)
goodbye, that harsh email for my fuxking senior


Wednesday, September 20

my memento - alarm

i m so exciting when my ical alarm pop up onto my screen
this is the first time in my life .
i can't stop myself not to capture that
my memento .

Tuesday, September 19


remember i had read a passage which talked about a girl from hong kong travelled to Tibet with her friends.
Unluckily, The girl passed away suddenly becoz of Acute Mountain Sickness.

After read, my frd and I both just whispering " oh, thats good if i can die in this such beautiful place "

in fact, i have planned to be there for a long time ..and i just remember that i told my frd that i should be there after i leave my current job..
But now......ding.........

i just found out ...planning is useless for me...

Monday, September 18

2006.09.17 sun * dogwalk with lolo

*與lolo帶了細細路到了西頁行行, 遇到很棒的英國梗牛狗

*到我們的老地方freezer cafe吃過choco truffle cake, 飲飲榔青.....很寫意
*又吃過又平宜又美味的泰國菜, 很棒的泰式香茅蝦沙律, 鴨胸咖哩, 蠔仔蛋?..美味啊

*細細路很黏身, 連我吃飯的時候也要睡在我的大腿上..他要看到我才安心的, 嘻

不過由於我穿的衣服可能有點單薄, 西貢這近海的地方晚上真凍得很. 不小心就著涼了. 加上本有點喉嚨痛的我再吃了那些辛辣的食品, 現在真是痛得不得了
昨晚也睡得不好? >_< so sad

你可知嗎,我打著這篇文章時現在穿著大褸, 鼻子紅紅, 鼻水不斷流, 右手打字左手用紙巾按著鼻
喉嚨痛得像被火燒, 咳嗽咳得..唉?桌子滿佈紙巾團?.唉呀......很辛苦呀

p.s. thankyou lolo: souvenir from Beijing ~ ^^

2006.09.16 sat * Movie & Pizza Day

到了PizzaHut吃了那挪威三文魚薄餅, 味道也不俗呀, 不過午餐吃薄餅+闊條麵, 真有點那個

*看了夜宴The Banquet, 很很很喜歡.
由初初開場那很震撼的場景以及悲哀的越人歌, 到了皇宮的場景, 真是很美. 美得過當年聲稱用著名日藉美指的英雄
本來我不大有興趣這片子, 原因是導演馮小剛令我不感興趣, 而且我真是不喜歡章子怡
章子怡真是美而且蠻有味道 ( 那短短的眉毛不是那麼容易handle得到的), 而且她的演技真是不俗( 可能是他的角色比較容易發揮吧)
歎優也十分棒, 他那 不愛江山愛美人, 很棒 . 反而吳彥祖真是不太吸引

*去play bowling (很像很久沒有玩似的), 其中一局第十round是連續兩次full-strike, 心跳加速,真興奮.

*縱使沒有什麼的很特別的一天, 但只要在身邊就真的感到開心了.
他說?你今天怎樣的了? 好少你會這樣呀?" 我不對你這樣哪還會對其他人這樣麼"

呵呵, 喜歡淘氣的我嗎? 嘻

the email b/w S and Y

S:你好吗, 这是我的私人邮件信箱
事实上我在工作上蛮不愉快 ( 大约都有半年的时间了) 所有我相信这决定是很对的

Y:我是上周三 13號那女人上來時同我說了一下﹐我也看得出你做的不開心﹐以前我也做得不開心﹐因為那女人﹐后來實在忍不住同她大吵了一架﹐工作上的事是怎么樣就怎么樣﹐我不會討好人也不會使自己做得委屈.

S: 與她共事有大約一年的時間, 由本來都不俗到了後來現在的不瞅不睬.. 我也不知哭過多少遍.
我相信公司很多人都不太喜歡她 ( 始終她那拍馬屁的性格不是所有人也可以接受得到) , 不過我始終認為她的工作效率是蠻好的
在於公司的立場來說, 她也是一個得力的人

大約於三個月前M 召我到她的辦公室, 問我有關的事. 我對她哭著說了丁點兒
M叫我要體諒她, 因為她有很大壓力, 而且她控制不到自己的情緒, 叫我去遷就他
我心想, 怎可能叫下屬去遷就上司, 而且他連自己的情緒也控制不住, 他怎可以作為我的上司呢?

你可知道我上次上來講及我多點時間留在大陸學習, 其實主要的原因是余先生知道我工作上的不愉怏 , 所以希望我在上面學多點東西, 而且不用看她的面色
但那次的感覺實在太差, 我上來只是在寫字樓開辦單…心想, 我沒有做錯什麼事, 為什麼要我避開他呢
除了此, 我在B口中 ( 之前在公司的接待員) 知道 他叫S巴結M ( 因為M也是一個愛這一套的人呀 ), S 就可以快點升職了( 相對我就成為S的下屬了)
最後, 在我辭職前的數天 , 客人在了公司, 跟單問我的準備如何, 但您知嗎, 最後, 她進去開會了… 跟單對我她說原來我不用跟了… 我十分嬲, 連最基本的專重也沒有了
於是, 我決定離開了

Y, 我不像您啊,你的職位還比他還高.而且我和她共事的時間長得多… 我是下屬, 根本沒有可能和她吵, 沒有機會反擊呀……
而且Y也知道我的為人, 沒有什麼的脾氣的
她的性格令一個沒有脾氣的人也可以這樣, 她真" 棒" 了

我已找到了工作了, 但不是做回此行, 下星期會上班, 在一間日本公司做, 是平面/ 產品設計師, 而且我再不是助理了
蠻期待新的工作……. 現在很期待我的last day

Y: 首先恭喜你已找到工作﹐而且就象你說的已不再是做助理了﹐真替你高興﹐相信你以后一定做的很好﹐因為你是一個有能力且受人喜歡的女生.

她是這樣的人我們這邊全是看在眼里記在心里﹐所以這邊沒有一個人是喜歡她﹐要不是我在這邊給同事作思想工作﹐開解她們﹐她們早就同她唱反調了﹐我們同你一樣都是沒心計的人﹐不喜歡討好人﹐也不喜歡想著怎么去整人﹐總之每天過得心安理得。 但你也相信﹐那些拍馬屁﹐有心機的人她們每天活得累﹗

目前來說我工作方面沒太大的壓力﹐只是那個女人不再搞搞整就會輕松好多﹐我們這邊同事間都相處的挺好﹐工作上也蠻開心的., 只是事事變化﹐做到哪天也不知道.


Saturday, September 16


*昨天看了jolin的演唱會 , 沒有期待, 所以沒有失望..不過她的身形有點怪
喜歡其中一首歌. 歌詞酸溜溜的

*終於走出本想離開的地方, 還有數天, 真高興... 沒有什麼令我想/會留戀 (不過carol真是不錯 )
現在期待的就是中間六天的假期, 也期待新的工作模式

* 近來心情真不佳, 連累您了. 對不起

Wednesday, September 13


但不知為什麼心情反而有點怪, 有點忐忑


Art centre - Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts (P/T)

Degree awarded by t he School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Part-time: 3 Years
Tuition FeeHK$2,000 per credit for 2006/07 academic year, 45 credits in total.

HKD2000 * 45 = HKD90000 ,
The cirriculum attract me....but
很貴啊, 到外地讀也不用這麼的貴

Monday, September 11

autumn is coming

2 more pounds to go.....yeah...

hey gals, just boost up ur diet plan, autumn is coming ( u will have no intention when its turnin' cold =p)

Sunday, September 10

luv not equal needs



正如你所說的,安慰到其他人,但偏偏安慰不到自己, 唉...

多謝你, 我的little positive thinker



Friday, September 8

so angry

my mom and my aunt from england went to travel to their motherland, so my home juz got few ppl : My dad, my bro jackal and my sai sai
i hang out with my frds past few days, when i back home tonight, what a meeeeessssss...

When i just step into my home, my dog scream miserably and then i saw the dump on the floor..OMG.....saisai seems to tell me
" sha, u are not the good master, u ignore me and i am so sad, it is ur PUNISHMENT "

u know, i m not keen on tidy up the things ( i m not a good housewife indeed) ...but i just squeezing my nose and trying to put "it" into the rubbish bag..
after that, i just feed him dogfood, and i realize that -

NO ONE feed him for past 2 NIGHTS ....ding...
I feed him as soon as i can, he seems so hungry and still licking his plate even nothing inside...i feel sad
I feel guilty, i m not a good master...wuwu....

after that, i need to wash all dirty dishes inside the sink: 3pots, 10plates, 5bowls...etc....those mess are created my dad, not me.....
and later, i put all the dirty clothes into the washing machine, and wait it till drying up and hang it up at the balcony

meanwhile, i realize that :
those clean clothes still accumulating on the sofa. and i TOLD my dad (on mon) that he need tidy it up and put it into the drawers..

it is easy task, huh? why he still do nothing when he is home ....
i can't imagine the suitation if i didnt home tonight.......


Thursday, September 7

photoBlog - Craig and Sai

hey, juz browse my sister's album
found this pic
why my saisai can be so nice with craig, but not me?
i m so jealous

Boat trip @02Sept


今次大約有十來人, 不過我沒有主動認識其他人, 因為他們好像是悶悶的 (opps, excuse me~)
相熟的只有: *Sze *Sze's sis *Kenny *Kirk *Leon *Windy

中午時開始, 陽光很猛....
在船上吃午餐( 燒大蝦實在太好), 飲飲白酒, 感覺很Luxury, 很relax
大家說說笑, hae著晒太陽, 玩撲克牌(又是那可惡的接龍)

回程時暈船浪..唉呀, 不得不承認身子弱...(整船上只得我有這情況, poor me)

不過遊船河感覺實在太好了 (thx Sze~~)

晚餐到了王家沙吃飯, 喜愛那松子燻魚, 酸酸甜甜, i luv it.. ^^
最後到了他家中與aunt和uncle玩poker (aiya, that Big 2 King ar...令我也輸了.....)

*在身邊, 很高興.

Tuesday, September 5

photoblog - home

家, 星期二淩晨一時 , 月圓, 睡不著


歌詞實在太甜蜜了, 發覺我的床真有點大


Sunday, September 3

Friday, September 1

dinner with *Po @TST

dinner with *保 @ 魚一丁, TST

為什麼他的樣子十年如一日的呢?而且他沒有中年發福, 反而愈來愈瘦說話比以前成熟不少(堂堂大公司的Sales Manager)..

六年前他invite我到他於Uni時organize的一個X'mas Ball (印象中不太好玩)
四年前我到因為一個drama show到城大找他吃飯
三年前通過數個電話, 因他好友對他說在APA的mentor Gary 家中之X'mas Party中認出我

一二年前常常於銅鑼灣那些shopping mall 遇到

數月前於game center再遇到, 再相約吃晚飯 (sorry i ditch you all the time...)

這晚餐很高興, 給了我不少生活上以及工作上的意見, 謝!
十年, 過得真快...
