Saturday, December 31


電腦壞了, LCD mon壞了, 相機壞了....


Friday, December 30



Thursday, December 29

Happy Birthday..


Thank you for your email, it reminds me...

Happy Birthday

Tuesday, December 27

但後來才知道桂花榚是’季節限定’的, 想吃也沒有辦法
吃了南瓜味的茶果, 中間的餡是不太甜的紅豆茸, 很美味

搭了一程很驚險的船到東涌, 之後到了附近吃了很平宜但很美味的晚餐


Sunday, December 25

Christmas Time.

Got drunk in past 2 days, for god sake, i didn't vomit or feel sick after that.
Feeling bad after wake up, had a tel. conversation with Jan... don't wanna go anywhere ...
The present still here...

Get confused of silent night and christmas day ? opps....

Tuesday, December 20

昨晚到了一間Russian Dishes既餐廳,

如果還有點感覺的話, 就Involve more, you can rescue the relationship when it is not too late
聖誕節是有情人的好節日, 沒有情人的, 和朋友到派對中飲飲紅酒也不錯,


有情人的, 捉緊對方溫暖的手吧...

Monday, December 19

TaiPei Trip 14/12 - 17/12

第一次和朋友到台北, 整個旅行都是衝忙的

台北的感覺, 對我來說, 很日本的
那街道, 那些日式溫泉, ....

Monday, December 12

Lu 's Grad. Photo Shooting

大家不斷問我這問我那, 其實是有點難受的
相信我, 我也不想這樣的
hae hae的, 影了這畢業相....
見到很久不見的ming...說起今年的聖誕節要怎過, 大家都說到他大陸的家
突然間想起上次的種種 - 大量的酒, 十多人的大被同眠, 四川火鍋 , 高卡車.......

後來的Karaoke, 感覺好一點
但事實上, 那些日子和那些感覺又不能重來....很矛盾...
Lu說他自己的事, 我很明白, 無奈所有東西來得早...

在karaoke中, 第一次看了光良的童話MTV....真是有點想哭.....

Sunday, December 11

Perhaps Love 如果. 愛

星期六看了< 如果. 愛 >, 所有感覺都很Moulin Rouge
金城武那錄音帶, 張學友的一巴掌…
最後的一幕, 很感動

到各大電話店比較W900i 和 O2 xda Atom…..朋友對W900i的情意結…嘻……都是我的O2好一點…hehe
在PageOne 裡不斷翻閱遊旅書…左看右看……enjoy it, don’t u ?

Wednesday, December 7

Thank you for your words..your words are right,
i admit i am mean....
i don't wanna escape anything...
"All the stuff should come to the end"
" I deserve the better negotiation "

don't squeeze me, i can't breathe....

company's annual dinner @ 24/12

hmm....why we need to do that damn stuff...
i feel myself stupid ....
being a model in the catwalk show, what the hell....

My lovely Silent night is spoiled desperately....sigh....

Tuesday, December 6

Reply ......

From: ur sister, Gloria (Dec 05, 2005 23:03 HKT)
Hello,u bitch..u alright?ive seen the pic and i am terribly jealous about u two guys..but what the hell is"cirque du soleil"actually???
i feel really bad these few weeks, the stree that i hv can kill me!!friends,boyfriend,college..everyone gives me stress...its a hell that i can decribe to u..
i wanna ask u, has Jackal got a girlfriend?u know we always concern about that for ages..he looks a little bit strange in those pics...haha..
u know Sha, my frined Craig really wanna c u and he always says u ar pretty..blablabla...i am envy!!!
Anyway,leave me a message in my diary if u hv got time, C U!

I am very fine, thank you (and thank you for your word "bitch", hehe)
Cirque du soleil....hmm..its difficult to say , maybe you can join us next time
Stress ? i think all human being suffer from that, so i think u should strive hard to fight against it...
Your bro ? opps...i think so, since he ask me to help him to buy the kinda ( the chocolate egg which got a small toy inside) and help him to collect the "ding dong series". i think he is weird.hehehe...
you know what, dad and mom always said Graig is cute, handsome, funny, wealthy....etc. after they back from england....What did you told them, huh? she said he is good to me.....sigh......

And did you remember the perfume which i ask mom to buy for me ? u know, it is limited edition, and the price is cheap ( since it s about EURO40 in paris perfume shop).......hehhehe

Maybe i will come to Paris in this Lunar New Year (still business trip), we can join in Paris...having the Mussel & champagne under the Tower Effiel to celebrate Lunar New year if you can....hehehe

Phone me if you really feel stressful.....
Heard that there is a snowstorm in Birmingham, so, remember to take more clothes
Send my regards to Ho, John and Auntie's family
And also, i will scan your photo ( with dad & mom) and send to you shortly. ( u know what, the quality of those photos are extremely bad )

Take care and study hard.....!!!

Love, Sha with kixxxx

Monday, December 5

但到那酒吧的時候, 那待應那熱朱古力已經out of stock.....
之後在西貢市逛逛, 買了很exotic的香薰蠟燭...
與mesodo坐在Freezer Cafe目睹那求婚的一幕...那"愛很簡單" ....


learn to appreciate all the things, included the cold weather and the warmth from the mug ....

Sunday, December 4


Went Tin Shui Wai to BBQ with friends. At first I am just feel emberessed since I didn’t know them quite much
After that, the wargame start…….it is really exciting …I love that, although it s painful when I get shoot……
And then Karaoke till 3:00am

Woo……what a busy and exciting day…..hehe

Cold weather, warm hug, sweet lips……..

Saturday, December 3

Cirque du soleil - Quidam 很好啊

與弟弟看了期待已久的cirque du soleil – Quidam ,
感覺真是很好, 因為我們的位置真是很近舞台,
之前買了cirque du soleil的dvd 在家看, 但原來感覺真是很不一樣
在家看的時候覺得那一切都是不真實的, 但現場看的時候, 看見表演者的驚險動作, 真是緊張得捉住雙手, 心臟跳得很利害, 和弟弟說 “很緊張啊!”

和弟弟一起去看的感覺很奇怪, 因為我們好久也未試過一起做一些事情,
其實, 真是蠻高興的, 嘻

Friday, December 2


睹? 我不喜歡賭.....

原因很簡單, 就是我不喜歡輸的感覺

還記得於數年前在Birmingham一間casino中, 拿著一張20英鎊到了counter換籌碼來玩輪盤. 我這個膽小鬼, 每次只拿出一磅投注......4個小時後我仍有十來個1磅硬幣, 舅舅見到後, 一手搶了我所有的硬幣放在其中一格......就是這樣, 我輸掉那20英鎊.........

想睹, 但又怕輸......很小家, 是嗎?

Thursday, November 24

enoch, happy birthday

Enoch的生日會比我想像中更好玩...全部30多個廿十幾歲的年輕人迫在一個小小地方, 一起笑, 一起起哄.......真是很高興...雖然是無無聊聊的遊戲.但這真的令自己舒暢一點


Tuesday, November 22

enoch birthday party

昨晚與dom傾談下才知道星期三gathering的原因, 原來是Enoch的McDonald Birthday Party, 很高興
後來看看Eva的Xanga, 才明白她的意思
想一想, 才記起有半年沒有見過下一屆的setting人們了….
想起那時日夜癲倒, 無無聊聊的生活…
無論如果, 很是懷念那日子和那些朋友們

請問漢堡神偷有幾多accessory呢? 黑白橫間衫, 黑色膠眼鏡一對, 黑色大袋, 漢堡飽一個...

p.s. 很期待收到那張Invitation Card

Friday, November 18


病了超過一個星期,前幾天情況比較好 , 但今天吃了藥仍是一樣地差
昨天與很久不見的朋友吃晚飯, 他一看見我, 就立即說:” 你厭食嗎? 你以前還有點baby fat的…我可以摸一下你的手臂嗎? 嘩…..太瘦了”

而我的朋友也變了…..成熟了,胖了點, 說話態度都變了不少, 收入帶來的自負…..工作令一個人有所轉變吧
說真的, 我比較喜歡讀書時代的他

第一件的starck 東西. Fossil crossover Phillippe Starck 的白色膠表, 這是一個很偶而的機會, 因為白色是限量的, 所以真是很高興 (但心裡默默為獅子座的我感到難過)

Thursday, November 17

home sweet home




Monday, November 14

rewind ....

公司桌上仍有一大堆辦和文件,我只好將左面的放在右面, 騰空出一點地方.. ..deadline越來越近

心情又返回2005年1月時的那樣. 我也想真真正正地笑, 但....可能是太倦了吧! 想想, 那麼快就一年了, 上年聖誕時的影像仍歷歷在目, 那starbuck, fringe club, princess of the kingdom.......

時間過得真快, 不過這些回憶仍在........想抹也抹不掉

Sunday, November 13

downfall 希特拉的最後十二夜

cough persit...
I have watched "downfall" ..really like watching the movie which talk about WWII. i saw a world's great leader 's downfall, not just his downfall, it is a extinction of a nation. they cry, they using alcohols to make themselves pleased, they commit suicide....i even can sense their feeling

Depression still haunt on my mind.....thats weird ..
suddenly i want to watch 十二夜......

Friday, November 11



Tuesday, November 8

Luxury bed for saisai

i think saisai should love that

WOWBOW is a new luxury brand committed to pampered pets & their discerning two legged companions

The company is founded on a vision: to pioneer and create unparalleled design solutions for our furry friends. By combining the best craftsmanship, animal husbandry and a unique personal service, WOWBOW sets the standard for a new class in pet furniture.

This vision appeals to the individual who values the very best in contemporary design with an uncompromising love for pets, as well as their aesthetic eye and personal environment.

Monday, November 7

Cacharel NOA the perfume

my mom finally help me to buy the cacharel perfume from england....the smell is cool, i love it
and the box is cool too..hehhhe

Thursday, November 3

the melancholy death of oyster boy

Shanghai, shanghi

departure - 25/12 8:30am hong kong airport
但而家仍未confirm港龍回程 30/12的機票 (我真是不想29/12就回來呀 )


Tuesday, October 25

Cirque Du Soleil 索拉奇藝坊 - quidam

今天買了cirque du soleil 的ticket ,12月2日, 坐第三行。
很高興,因為坐在旁邊的就是用1400大元買的vip ticket....用600元就可以坐得那樣近,很平宜呀

Monday, October 24


看過了親切的金子. 發現原來韓國的導演也可以拍得出非一般的電影
而李英愛之演技也是我預料之外的 , 那紅色的eye shadow, 黑色的boot…..真是耳目一新
一個善良女子的復仇, 一面笑著一面想如何殺自己憎恨的人
復完仇後,洗去眼蓋上的紅色眼影, 但心裡有可能回復像以前一樣的善良無瑕嗎?

Wednesday, October 19



Thursday, October 13

opps...the new imac65 is awesome

Just watch the "one more thing " video from
the new imac g5 is awesome......the remote control, the isight built-in.........fantastic.......
and the price is ar.......
it is very very very good

and the new ipod , is lower than my expectation........ s time to save up the money , 60gb...i am coming....

BUT....when we can buy the music video, music and tv show from itune music store....i am waiting~~~~

Thursday, October 6

Fotop Album

- 終於update了我的photo album, 太高興了 Http://
- 努力地玩 World of Warcraft, 實在太好玩了

Tuesday, October 4

Eyes Wide Shut 大開眼戎

看了Stanley Kubrick的Eyes wide shut, 整影片感覺很不錯
主角雖然活於現實生活中, 但又好像活於虛擬一樣

Friday, September 23


發現好似係我個lcd monitor有問題,好慘
現在唯有搬回14" crt monitor 暫用
一張枱放了兩個monitor, 很狼狽

Wednesday, September 21

the skeleton key 害匙

部Mac好似冇事, 太高興了
看了一齣戲 The skeleton key (都不知道這片名的背後有什麼意思)
整影片都ok, 故事是講有關voodoo的事情…
影片中有一隻黑膠碟,而播放的是黑人Blues的音樂, 歌詞是講離世前的遺言….

看完過後, 聽到這類型的音樂….雞皮立即疙瘩起來…..

Wednesday, September 14

Tuesday, September 13

sigur ros new album - TAKK

the announcement of this album is 12/9 , so i rush to HMV and bought this cd today
the album cover is great
the music....hmm.....i like the album ( ) more

Sunday, September 11

collage of the life 戀愛寫真

看了一齣日本電影戀愛寫真Collage of the Life 戀愛寫真
講一對喜愛攝影情侶, 男友因攝影技術不及初學攝影的女友而自卑,之後分手
後於舊朋友口中知道舊女友於new york被殺 ,他半信半疑,拿著相機到new york尋她

你和我於三年之隔在站在同一個𥦬邊,看見同一風景, 拍下同一幅照片

Thursday, September 1

at london

i am at london right now, everything is fine
the weather is good also

Tuesday, August 30

depart tomorrow

depart hong kong to london at 3:00pm tomorrow
and i will back at 8/09/05
see you later

心裡在煩惱之際, 再發現眼睛還望薯電腦monitor, 手指地還不停按著keybroad.....

hong kong -> london -> paris -> lyon -> london -> hong kong

Saturday, August 20


舅父昏迷在家, 進了醫院, 一進醫院, 醫生說已沒有希望
發現了腦中的瘀血而堆得大多, 迫爆了血管, 就這樣昏迷了

後來, 媽媽告訴我一個故事:
怎料途中被美軍轟炸機炸到, 當時已經奄奄一息
幸好有位醫生醫好舅父, 不過當時醫生聲明只可以活三十歲

生命已到了盡頭, 是命運來的


Friday, August 19

Ghost Festival


Monday, August 15

painter / worker

幫了朋友畫佈景,由晚上八時到了早上7時 (幸好之前睡了幾小時,如不,我相信捱不過淩晨二點)

Tuesday, August 9


網友的介紹, 買下了Audio-technica Earphone 一對,
朋友問我: 你那對Sony都沒有壞,一切正常, 為何又再花錢買新的?

我想了一想, 終於找到了"理由":

Thursday, August 4


剛剛工作滿了一年,還清所有credit card既錢(這些全是於讀理工同演藝時種的孽),買下野、定期還grant loan ,家用,仲要儲錢去旅行同讀書。
於是我氣急敗壞給了上個月的bank statement給她看 ( luckily, 仲有少少錢剩 )
百德新街, gateway 是我常到的地方
高科技產品 - powermac g5, ipod, powershot s70...剛剛購入19“ lcd monitor.....

諗諗下,近來想買altec lansing mx5021 , 一個衣櫃 , 一枝alexander mcqueen既香水, 一張好點的工作椅.........

sha <--一個推卸責任、無可救藥既獅子座洗錢怪.

Tuesday, August 2

emiliana torrini ~ FABULOUS

just listen some songs by emiliana torrini, it is really cool...she get a angel voice
after reading her biography.....i love her so much
go to and have a look, it s worth if you like Trip-hop

Wednesday, July 27

The Circular Life

the circular life -
急急促促又一天。日日如是. 因為何不放下腳步想多一想,看多一看 ?

Tuesday, July 26


Alexander Mcqueen Special Edition Perfume @ Lane Crawford
真是太香了, 怎辦?

Sunday, July 24

Wakebroad 吧

與友人jan, jan's bro and his gf 到深水灣玩wakebroad
已經起水了,雖然只得幾秒, 但感覺很好,很relax, 腦子什麼也想不起來...
hkd$1000兩小時(for 4 person), 其實都幾平宜啊
玩完到了沙灘, 買了沙灘蓆躺躺

晚上sushi + 頭文字D the movie

Friday, July 22

Les Choristes 歌聲伴我心

Les Choristes
year: 2002
language: french
director: Christophe Barratier

終於看罷les choristes vcd, 感覺很好,本來己很喜歡choir, 所以一看就喜愛那原聲大碟了

Movie - Irreversible


中段 alex被人被強暴的過程,一直看很不安。

Monday, July 18

Lyon Fair - detail

31/8 to 7/9
cathay pacific airline 15:00hk time
-hong kong to london (stay 1.5 days )
- london to paris (stay 1 day)
-paris to lyon ( stay 3 days )
- lyon to paris and paris to london
- will stay heathrow for 5 hours .......
- back hong hong , it 's 8/9 1:00pm




Thursday, July 14

heading to London

一直䁗著....巴黎的effiel tower, 倫郭的trafalgar square......

Tuesday, July 5

lu's bithday dinner

Have the dinner @ Little Italy with Setting ppl to celebrat Lu's birhday in advance. the dinner is great, really love to meet the old friends....

Lu: Wish you all the best

Wednesday, June 29

強戰世界 war of the worlds

Watch the World Piemiere of war of the worlds at UA Admiralty with JanJan tonight, it is better than my expectation , u know, i hate the kind....

Tuesday, June 28


終於上了網了, 第一次用mac上,感覺真不錯
昨晚仍苦惱icq transfer file的問題,一下字用了adium就解決了這問題 太好了

今天新的designer上任了,她很像很ok的,但當我看過她的ai圖之後,心沉了 (是我要求太高還是她的問題呢? 唉,算了吧 )

Wednesday, June 22


昨晚與同事到了Bobbi Brown 買東西, 感覺實在太好了 (雖然貴了點, 但整個人的心情輕鬆不少...嘻)
今天OT,這是可預計的, 開會到下午六點, 那怎可能不O呀.....可悲

Monday, June 20

X&Y - coldplay

The newest album - X&Y , by Coldplay.
It s better than the last album - A Rush of blood to the head....
The rumour confirm, her last day is coming friday (24/06) .........
Reading < 黑夜之後> by 村上春樹 recently.......

I still can't online for 3 weeks already, what a hell, it is torturing....

Wednesday, June 8


真是太震驚了..為什麼會這樣, 為什麼他不對我說 ?
聽到這消息後, 呆坐了五分鐘, 我很怕............


Tuesday, June 7

It's so great~

My PM just arrived my place, it s gorgeous. It is silent, and cool.
However, my previous broadband ISP is full of shit, so now, i need to wait for my new ISP to set up the network for me....Still need to wait 6 more days to get online

Tuesday, May 31

Aaron Kwok 演唱會

Sha, 你竟然會去看Aaron的滇唱會 ? 不是吧....
真的, 我也不相信我會去看我小學至初中時代的偶像.
原因其實是因為Jan 有兩張$400免費門票(真是幾近舞台的)..多謝!
其實整個演唱會都很好看, 悶場不太多, 最悶的時候(對我和Jan來說)是他唱新歌......(因為我們都沒有再留意他的新歌了)
舞台很大, 而且流動性很大...


Jan: I promise i will go to LKF with you if you really buy the Pinky chiffon skirt and a fancy High-heel. hhehe

Monday, May 30

加薪 ?!

又再一次到OT到凌晨十二點了, 好像這種生活永無休止, 很倦呀
晚上十時被老闆昭...我又加薪了, 但最大的問題是公司不會再請多一個AD 去Assist 個AD....太灰了

希望加多點 (再好是 加 1K到2K , 嘻嘻)

Friday, May 27

My favourite song in recent

Lady Folly - ilya

Lady folly took my name
Though she and I are not the same
Lady folly took my name
Though she and I are not the same

Welcome in my heart
Welcome in my room
Welcome in my life
Welcome in.. lets try

Lady folly played a game
All she want from it was shame

Monopoly...ITS FUNNNNN

monopoly..... Posted by Hello

Play Monopoly with Dom, Dan and Pam @ Rack7
I almost

My PM G5

My powermac G5 is coming .......woooooooow~ Posted by Hello

Dual 2Ghz PowerPC G5
16X SuperDrive Double Layer
ATI Radeon 9650 with 256mb ram
Bluetooth module
with OS X, Tiger & iLife

he will be delivered to my place at 3/6/05.....keep waiting
But when i can get the 20" Cinema Display le ?

Tuesday, May 24

my first freelance

just do my first freelance these two days. it is the advertisement in the recruit.
My PC is dying, Illustrator 10.3 will quit itself automatically..and u know, i just can't open the 10.5 mb *.ai file, what a ......

PowerMac G5..i am looking forward......

Friday, May 20

Star War IV

Ep. IV The new Hope Posted by Hello

start to watch Star Wars IV, i want to watch it earlier since i really want to go cinema to watch the Star Wars Episode III.
i am still watching.
P.S. I love the R2-D2 and the Whookie...hehe, "he" is so lovely

"Hey Luke, may the force be with you "

Wednesday, May 18

Movie - 擁抱這分鐘

watch the movie with mesodo at Olympic City. it s good , however, i think the movie 's motive mainly to make the woman cry. The most touching thing is there is a lot of closeup of the actor when he cried. The audience ( mainly female) cry when the actor is funny.

And we start to taste the candy which i bought from Paris. It is lovely , since this is the first time to taste the Rose-flavoured candy..hehhe

it is so happy that i can watch the movie after work (u know, i off at midnight last few monthSSS) ....hope that the frequency of OT will lower.

Tuesday, May 3

back Hong Kong

Back from Paris few days ago. and now i am just regret why i dun stay behind until this sun.( since i just slept for these two days after i back hong kong )

Friday, April 29

at Paris now...

this is 28th apr. midnight at Paris, France. Ibis hotel near the La Fellyate hotel