Thursday, November 30

microsoft vista -Windows Flip and Windows Flip 3D

Windows Vista provides two entirely new features to manage windows: Windows Flip and Windows Flip 3D. Flip allows you to flip through open windows (by using Alt+Tab), providing a live thumbnail of each window, rather than just a generic icon and file name.

Live thumbnails make it easier to quickly identify the window you want, particularly when multiple windows of the same kind are open.

With Flip 3D, you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to flip through open windows in a stack, and quickly locate and select the one you want to work with.
Use Flip to view and navigate more easily through open windows.
Use Flip 3D to navigate through open windows using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
those microsoft crews sucks...
where's their brain..huh?
copy catsssss.....
p.s. but honestly, it look pretty =p

Holiday season rings in the phony absences

NEW YORK (Reuters) - 'Tis the season for calling in sick, especially if you're not sick at all.

One in three workers has called in sick when they're not in the past year, and the end-of-year holiday season brings a rash of phony absences, experts and studies say.

"We do know just anecdotally in dealing with employers that there certainly is a higher rate ... associated with holidays, catching up on shopping, or spending time with family and friends,"

The firm's survey, released this week, showed 32 percent of workers said they called in sick when they felt fine at least once in the last year, and one in 10 said they did so three times or more.
Women were more likely to take a sick day when they are not sick than men, by 37 to 26 percent, the survey said.But be careful. The same survey showed 27 percent of hiring managers have fired a worker for calling in sick without a legitimate reason.

"The worst part is, if you lie and they see you out at a sporting event or shopping or you run into somebody you know, then it brings your trustworthiness into question," said Sullivan.
The trick is doing it right, writes Ellie Bishop, author of "The Sick Day Handbook" that is chock-full of tips for taking a not-really-sick day.

She suggests if you're claiming a migraine headache, know there are two kinds, cluster and classic. Claiming Lyme disease is handy, because one symptom is irritability.
Conjunctivitis and irritable bowel syndrome are good excuses because no one wants to hear about the symptoms.

*Call in with your excuse to a co-worker early, before the boss arrives, clear your throat for five minutes beforehand and hold your nose as you speak, she suggests.

*Never make up anything that might need to be proven, like a doctor's appointment or a trip to a hospital emergency room, she writes.
*Only try it two or three times a year and, above all, remember your lie, she adds.

"I think we can get away with a lot more than we think we can," she said.If you do get caught, Sullivan added, employers tend to be a little bit more understanding than they once were."If people just need a mental health day or they just need to get away from the office, I think employers are much more understanding of that than they would have been 10 or 20 years ago," she said.

"That's a trend that has strengthened certainly over the last few years, where people are just more aware of the work-life balance," Sullivan added, "because you tend to have more productive workers and you have happier workers if they're able to maintain that balance between their commitments at the office and their commitments at home."

*haha, a very meaningful and funny passage
* I will hold my nose next time for sure~

Wednesday, November 29

Red bomb dinner

having dinner with Bren, fanny and Little Bride Katie last night.
haven't seen Katie for a long time since she left ex-company ( thats my fault really >.<)
we had a very nice chat , talked about our recent life....

Very nice chat.....
Congrat Katie will become a wife on Dec8... ^^

p.s. sorry for standing all u gals up ...i do really want to treat u gals a dessert as the compensation.
p.s.ii. see? i can make this over-stressed little bride smile again...^^hoho

2006-11-28 / 2months02days

i had been here for 2months and 2 days
i just realize the workload is much moooore heavier than before..

all stuff keep accumulating, queue up.......
i didn't want to bring those jobs back home, it is kinda depressing when u keep looking at the monitor, right hand keep clicking the mouse at 1100pm

really hope it is not the reason of headache....i do really hope.....
omg, headache will never end if it is tat bloody reason...........

Monday, November 27

to all setting ppl: 傳統英式聖誕舞會

致各親愛的朋友 :

聖誕節快將來臨, 在這溫馨浪漫的節日, 我們應聚首一堂, 舉辦一個傳統英式的聖誕舞會.

日期 : 12月的23日至26日內,兩日一晚 (希望各位至親的朋友回覆那日較為方便)
地點 : 大嶼山, 渡假屋 (如有其他建議, 歡迎提供)
內容 : 傳統英式舞會, 傳統英式聖誕餐, 傳統英式"紳士遊戲"........ (當然還有不可缺少的交換禮物)
衣著 : 傳統英式紳士/ 淑女

希望各位至親都能抽空出席, 同時亦歡迎帶同舞伴參加. 邀請柬會於稍後由專人寄交府上.


P.S. 請在本星期以電陲方式回覆籌委會參加與否及理想日期, 以便安排地方.
如有遺忘的至親好友, 請幫忙轉寄.

ladies and gentlemens, i m hereby responsible to inform this infomation to ALL 30th Setting. ( Hang will responsible to inform 29th Settin.
what do u think, huh? Please contact me as soon as u can. ( so lazy i am )
english ladies, with a very narrow waist ..opps, i think i need a corset first....

Jan: i lost Ming contact, pls contact him for me, thx a lot~ xxx

Sunday, November 26

i still believe

vivian hsu, my goddess.( her black one-piece dress .....lovely~)
whole mv's editing is good...esp. fade-in/out..... i need to work hard on this

愛散發的溫柔  在此刻用心感受
我想和你一起 讓幸福轉動

Baby I still believe 愛可以走過亂流
緊緊握住雙手 一秒鐘

Baby I still believe  愛有夢才快樂
你和我 到永久

the perfect gift, is never quite finished

men buy gifts, women create families....

p.s. 很愛daily comics widget..hohoho

Saturday, November 25

Happy Our 366 Days

Photo_0304 Photo_0222 Photo_0114Photo_0339
Photo_0391 Photo_0392 Photo_0397 Photo_0389
Photo_0390 Photo_0394

與男友在家中Hae下, 看過那很Rough的MV , 下午茶, 心情很是愉快
很久也沒有玩Bowling. 第一Round真是最好呢 ( Kenny 和 Simon 那兩個力神,crazz~)
晚上飲著零味的shooters, 感覺只是飲著果汁....5杯都沒有任何反應

三時二十分到家, 心情因快速的巴士感到興奮
睡不著就不斷拿著相機胡亂拍.....Ka Cha~
想一想, 這相機陪伴我剛剛兩年了..

整星期, 發著非常怪的夢
見到很少見的朋友 , 走進我還未出生的時代.......
(可能是那本張愛玲小說惹的禍 )


Friday, November 24

12th = 1st ( upper-part)

12th month = 1st year.嘻嘻
時間真是很快. 一年了........
找到很meaningful的禮物, 但International shipping........

昨晚: 已經夠驚險, 取餅, 忘記那咭, IFC Paperas咭, Jumbo Grade筆, HSBC, 成功

今早: 更加驚險, call courier at 9, courier 到達at 12:15pm, 我要5:30pm到哇.....

中午: 很甜呢 . 外套(雖然不太襯我的one-piece), 大大玫瑰花, Pret-A-Manager Yogurt..Kisses..........甜甜XD
同事問我這yogurt是不是比平時的甜, 我答"當然呢......"

現在3:30pm 很心急

my sister's new home@ dudley

it is my sister, not me
with her new home, 200quids per week.

saw her lovely home, so jealous....
i think it must be great when u sitting in front of this big window, feeling the chilly air and watching the snowfall in christmas time.....
decorate a tiny christmas trees, lighting up the candles, playing the carols, having a glass of champagne with hon. hugging him till sleep.......

no drink-till-die, no money spending............
just luv............ envy........

I am moved when I saw my photo is being there^
p.s. how come that wardrobe seems sooo short, huh

Wednesday, November 22

the break-up

在家中休息期間看了The Break-up


女的不斷complain男方只懂一回家就沒脫下鞋子就開著遊戲機, 沒有心裝載女方所說的
女方complain放工回家還要打掃煮飯, 不停計算自己付出多少,但對方卻什麼也沒有做過

男的答應幫忙女方的整理打掃時, 女方卻說男的根本沒有心去做.
男的complain女方不斷要求他著衣服好看點, 顏色配搭一點..........


女方專登嬲怒對方, 要他知道沒有女方之後的生活有多糟,令他回頭認錯
男方就往往認為自己沒有錯, 只是女的有新追求者, 而已生活有幾爛得幾爛, 令她後悔. "我就是這樣, 你也不能理我什麼"
百計盡出, 目的就只有一個.
後來態度放軟, 但已經太遲, 最後分手收場

故事最後, 雙方出售他們的屋:
Jennifer說" if we didnt buy that huge sofa and this super long table, i think it can place a snooker table as you wish"
如果雙方不是只顧著自己的想法, 不要太介意付出與收獲的比例

a great lesson for me...hehe. ^^

p.s. To someone: Baby, don't be silly , it is just a memory, a lesson for contribute beautiful future lei. and the main pt is , i ... ^^
p.s ii. 片中chicago下雪, 我很想很想去............

the sims 2 - pets

The Sims 2 - Pets expansion pack....
好得意, 好想買..唔知有冇for mac platform 呢 ?(不過我連original the sims2都未買...)

好得意...我想要golden retriever...........嘻嘻

Dear Joe,

唉呀, 咁都知道我要交幾多錢電話費....-_-"

Tuesday, November 21


起床, 頭痛如常,是日休息一天


Monday, November 20



goodbye, my ipod remote....
(tat 's the last photo taken before being thrown into the rubbish bin )


When the flight take off at Chek Lap Kok airport..headache start..

Today , 20.Nov.06
Sucks...i start realize this haunted me for 3 weeks ....

i had taste all kind of headache....
even can't concentrate on my work today
I hate panadol, it is just a cheating
it is not to ease my pain, it is solely to anesthetize my body~

medic. where's the medic?

Thursday, November 16

time's up, pen's down

3400字, 令我想起那篇關於aesthetic in all art form essay
Word中的spelling and grammar, 令我想起讀書時的日子

用了三天晚上終於完成. 鬆了口氣
鬆口氣得就像等同跑100米, 終點, 眼前一黑, 腳軟, 倒下
由" 清者自清, 我不用為任何人交代" 到了後來的三千多字

人大了, 知道自己cherish了一段關係/一件物件時就會努力去做


p.s. 現在只好一直開著.mac webmail. click著, 等待著
p.s.ii. 是時候倒下了

Tuesday, November 14


thx jan jan's cheer up.
my brain spins for 2 weeks without stop.

人, 的確大了

1st gen ipod vs PowerMac G5


一plug in, G5就呆掉了.
我為了它, 用不合理的價錢(兩次)從美國headquater訂來remote


exam in progress

Monday, November 13


整整一個星期, 發生了很多事, 人像虛脫了

由初初不斷在想為什麼會這樣, 到後來想她行為之目的, 那spy的目的, 對那所謂的指責進行檢討, 對自己看人的準則存疑, 再想我應如何去做....很多很多...

星期六晚上,有了新的進展 ( as Liliun said, Things are mobile definitely )
有了一個"去解釋"的機會, 而且還要談及future這個命題 (我相信主要都是關於career 與health之prospect)
三個explanation, 一個elaboration...
Background info, Explanation, Elaboration, Compromise, Suggestion, Planning..
想好一點就是, 這是我們一週年的考驗呢.

一件還一件, 先解決這, 再解決其他的事吧

p.s. thank you for alll guys...ur support, ur analyze, ur opinion, ur comfort....^^
p.s.II thank you for ur own explanation, ur sharing of ur thoughts and suggestion. i feel better alot. muah~

time machine for Mac OSX

Go back in time
With Time Machine, you can restore your whole system from any past backups and peruse the past with ease. Can't find a file you want? Enter Time Machine - time-based browser to see a snapshot of how your entire system looked on any given day ?file by file. When you find the file you want, just select it and restore it. Time Machine brings it into the present. You can do the same with a group of files, whole folders, even your entire system. With a single click.

It is the most outstanding function of Leopard for Mac OSX, absolutely useful. cost HKD1000....omg ..

Friday, November 10

our time

really looking forward to that day when i can hug my bf to sleep till sunrise, birds sing.

home together , cook, play, tv together, sleep, morning kiss
argue face to face, wake him up when i cant sleep, using naughty way to wake him up.....

it must be a wonderful time.
i want to, really want to

Tuesday, November 7


媽媽家族中沒有人有這個病, 聽說舅母家族有這種纇型的病.....

媽媽常說 他活在自己的世界裡可能更好呢...我不以為然
我常常想和他說話, 想走進他的世界..




letter to my warrior

Dear my brave warrior,

I knew the war is fierce. I m sorry that i cant go into the battlefield with u. I m sorry that i can do nothing
but now i m just stand by your side , support you all the time, no matter what.
i know my warrior is fighting for me... i know that....i know that...
But i just dun want you feeling bad and getting hurt during this battle.
I m fine, really fine.. I still can cheer u up...dun worry , i m always yours, ur little princess

Be brave and optimistic.
Lets defend that altogether, and contribute the future
we can taste the sweetness of the triumph ...

with lots of luv and kiss,
ur sha

(aiya... i m so naughty, there s a joke beneath, just highlight it ... it seems destroy this poetic things tim)

( but this is a kind of cheer-up also, hehe )
My warrior, 5d eat more red mushrooms (not blk one ar..u will get poison ga ha)sin la ( mushroom same as Mario that Nintendo game), u can have high combat effectiveness when u getting fatter, nonono, dou d eat dou d.....

Monday, November 6

sentenced to death

昨晚. 哭死了
這是第一次打電話給友人第一句是她的名字, 第二句不是說話, 而是嘩啦嘩啦哭了出來...
她嚇壞了, 問' 你是不是看完那一公斤眼淚所以哭呢 ?'
我承認我的確有過這個習慣. 但我有數月已經再沒有這樣做了, 在街上做是我從來不的
我承認我會飲酒, 但我不是alcoholic. 不是天天也要happy hour.. 
我的衣著本是如此, 不會專登露背低胸, 衣服美就可以了
'你是怎樣了,被人這樣都沒有任何的反應' , 但試想想如我那樣的話...
'嘩,你打他,根本你沒有考慮當時的情況呢.. 他的朋友在這裡的,他們會怎樣看你呢,畢竟打人就是不對' 或者是...
'唉呀, 你看看, 他為了你被人控告了...'

認識了我9個月, 為什麼她在這一刻相信第三者但不相信我
就如還未給予自辯的時間就判了死刑, 送上斷頭台 

今早好了不少, 我覺得也做不到多少....
後來, 聽到更多被屈的東西.
相信我, 我不是害人的

現在我只希望知道她的想法是什麼, 我希望她會appreciate我之前所做的
我也明白他夾在中間也很難受, 要cheer-up...一起努力呢
要證明自己是一個怎樣的人, 也為了他呢

Time can prove
BTW, I m so scareeally scare..
just want to jump into his hug and ultimate shelter...
Believe me I will not do anything to harm u

p.s. 吃過神戶牛柳作午餐, 心情真會好一點的啊..
p.s. II 多謝扮sickleave 的Jason之開解, 我下次會應約的了, but I hate whisky really...

Sunday, November 5

sat. & sun.

joined grandma's birthday dinner yesterday night. i had seen lots of relatives at the venue... i saw my cousin's son ( i didnt know how to call him. ) u know, i can't recognize him coz in my memory he is juz a little boy. but its totally different.....he is taller, humorous, considerate ....
when i saw is the sign of getting old...
and how lucky my cousin is..had this lovely son..

and i have chatted with my bro during the whole dinner
i think any choice is good for him....just stick on ur decision and live on

p.s. wish my grandma getting healthier and happier all the time

stay at home all day long..

tidy up my room ... rent a very boring korean movie .. i fell asleep twice during the movie.......
watched my favourite tv programme - globe trekker..
watched the tv news tonight..about taiwanese president chen and his first lady 's corruption stuff...
i just wondering why he and his wife still do that even they are rich already...

as that critic guy is so tempting when they know they can get that money easily. but
it is not the season to do that cuz his is the main idol in that can he do tat...

i think he must be banish ..

and now...i am watching the japanese soap opera vcd 一公斤眼淚 (thx, my bro), 3rd episole
i luv sad movie indeed..... cry is a kind of release......

"our life is sooo fragile that u cant expect, cherish all things around. "


Friday, November 3


*認識了六年多的好友A小姐家中又發生了怪事. 陰沉的孖生姐妹, 是思覺失調還是鬼魅作祟?
還記得兩年前的日記wish she will reborn .......但無奈..

*頭痛持續..這小鬼對我還不薄 ((但今天連偏頭痛也來打擾, 真不幸)

photoblog - 娃娃

當然啦. 有玩具玩, 有人鍚, 穿得漂漂亮亮又不用上班… 多好.


Thursday, November 2

Re: Damien Rice

很想回應ss的blog. ..關於damien rice

The first time i met his song is from the movie - Closer.
its song seems named the blower's daughter.

its lyric..his a sense of loniness and sadness..
I luv this kind of loniness......

p.s. my itune library is sooo messy too


I m back.. will write about that luxurious trip later ~

昨晚在家中開始整理自己的行李, 照片,以及給男友的souvenir..
為那些東西拍拍照, 寫下一點東西
很高興 (我就是有自得其樂的小聰明…嘻嘻)
