2006 review -
* left that bloody hell in final 20/9/06. ( thx monique. u made me to leave this hell more rapidly )
* had changed to the field which i m looking for since my school life.
* "travel year"- beijing. thailand. macau. shanghai.
* my room was being furnished. i luv my new place.
* communicated with hon's family
* well communicated with my sister, even we are far apart. ^^
* getting healthier, hehe. cuz i really get into the bed much earlier than before. ( except that bloody headache from stress and unhappiness. >.<) * the frequency of getting drunk is much lesser
* love life keep growing now. we both had changed for this year. i start to focus on more ' long-term' stuff, He start to know how to communicate well with me. thank you for his luv, every little things he done for me. Thx really.
year 2006. gone.
all sweet memories will be imprinted onto my heart.
looking forward to my bright life .. happiness, sadness or even barriers...
that's life.
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