Wednesday, January 31


看過一篇認識了八年老朋友的xanga , 今早也收到cartree的邀請咭

對不起 . 是我的慵懶

來年陌生的 是昨日 最親的某某


collette bday dinner

(exclusive to this blog only becoz of Kirk lei.hope she didnt get this link.hoho)

Collette bday dinner with Windy, Kirk and bf @cwb.
we got a Japanese grill for the dinner, very very nice. the beef is superb. but it s too oily, i feel a bit sick when i m home >.<>

the price is reasonable since the beef is such in the high-quality

After that, we planned to go to Agnes B and having the dessert, but it was packed. so we just changed to other place. and i brought a cake as Aunt’s tiny present too..

p.s.thanks for bf’s assistance
*i m so happy ^^

p.s. i think our dining place is defintely cool...hmm.. this should be the place to dine with carol ^^

Monday, January 29

non-stop chatting weekend

oh, its time to record down what i had done in this weekend:

just a normal dinner with my bf and his colleagues. the dining place cool. but the disshes are really bad.
and then went to temple street and walk around...
met up windy and Santhus later at coffee shop, we chat alot......talked about the difference between men and women's behaviour. a very nice chat.

went Lai Chi kok and bought sth for my company, and then lunch with Carol at T.S.T.
chat for few hours...^^ ( she still cried when she talked about her harsh working environment)
she treat me the lunch AGAIN, i think i really need to treat her a very nice dinner before CNY holiday .
After that, met windy @ tst and window shopping. and then met bf and kenny @ cwb. normal dinner. movie ( we all cried expect bf , he just told me "oh, quite touching law" -_-)
finally, we went to east-end had the peanuts , pizza and a glass of red wine again. ^^

leave at 1:00am, coz i m sooo tired since i cried alot during the movie. =p

got a very very nice sleep, bf went to TST to join us to get a delicious and lite lunch.
and then windy and i start our shopping trip. ( my aim *accompany her and gave her some opinions towards some clothes for her annual dinner)
but FINALLY, she bought nothing. I bought 2 Jacket - 1 black (formal but cute with a fancy decoration on the neck) and 1 white ( sporty addidas Missy elliot collection , a bit bulky with hoodies. hip-hop alike. but its costy...>.<)

Kenny came TST and dinner with us. ( they are match really, can phoned each other at the same moment , wakaka) and then indian curry at zhong hing building..soo cheap, delicous and super spicy ^^
we chat till the restaurant was starting to close, and then we went to have the dessert and continue our chat.


*request a resume release for a new job today. HTML is the advantage. ok, self-learning should start.

生日快樂the movie

上星期六晚上看了生日快樂. 很感動, 是很氣質的一齣片子
預計自己將會哭成淚人, 一開始我就哭 (thx for Kenny’s tempo)...

一邊看,沒有友人那些對前度的回憶, 反而在想想小南與小米的微妙關係
一個比好朋友更好的朋友關係, 相信比做情人還要更難
是一個蠻Ideal的關係, 沒有開始就沒有結束, 對對方很是關懷, 不過我相信jealousy是這段關係中最可怕的感覺

雙方的等待, 最後也因為命運令他們分開
很美麗, 但也很殘忌


Thursday, January 25

bad teeth

rush to dental clinic after work.
i m scare of DENTIST. coz i suffered a lot when i was 14. 3 tooth gone becoz of that fixation ( visit that old man once a week, and he try hard to squeeze my tooth together, i feel like crying after i left the clinic for whole year)

just try to squeeze all my courage out tonight.
after tooth-washing, she discovered a bad teeth.
my hands bloody cold and she gave me a warmer, the coldness deprived from panic, not the weather
the teeth leave me in final. the 4th one.

The most depressing news is i need to take one more teeth out when my wisdom teeth come out.....damn.

still numb . eat nothing.
算吧, 餓不死的.

Tuesday, January 23

christian dior- SS07 Haute Couture

Paris, 22th Jan, 07 .everything about this dior collection- inspired, John said, " By Pinkerton's affair with Cho-cho san, Madame Butterfuly "

John galliano that talented designer show his power again. I love his couture since last several seasons... bravo, this one should be my favourite.

You know what, i had been thinking about "paper folding" this issue to design some clothes in these few days. I m stunned when i saw this collection - PAPER FOLDING again........( but my design just crap compare with those John Galliano 's masterpiece )

paper-folding, pleating, embroideries, color matching, dyeing, even those make-up * is absolutely stunning......
ho lei nei...

complete collection

ENFP - 創新分析性的改變計劃者

你的分類是 ENFP - 創新分析性的改變計劃者

外向型: 55%- 直覺型: 67.5%- 感性型: 60%- 熟思型: 57.5%

1. 他們覺得每一件事都有它的真實的意義 (Bingo..)
2. 觀察力很強
3. 很熱心工作 ( its depends...umm..)
4. 很獨立 ( u may say so..)
5. 是一客觀的人
6. 可以做很多不同的工作,但一定要是他有興趣的
7. 他會找些新的方法去解決問題
8. 很容易帶領別人一起工作,但處理細節則不好
9. 不喜歡規律的工作 (yes, thats really kill me)
10. 不想和別人衝突
11. 很大方
12. 與人工作的能力很好

成長指引 *
1. 更多反省及專注內在生命
2. 操練自律,自我捨棄及禁食
3. 要現實,務實及有耐性去掌握事物的細緻
4. 故意去執行一些平日怕去做的刻板工作
5. 要系統地計劃下一月要作的各項工作
6. 生活的某些地方要跟隨標準運作步驟
7. 計劃作些事,要有時間計劃,並要按時完成 (god....)
8. 發展學習細緻事物的眼光及解決問題
( it s a must..)
9. 開放接受別人意見去完成計劃
10. 要容忍不同意見的人
11. 要守諾言,建立信用



(baby, dun get mad, it is wrong, i luv my old buddies, but i m just too lazy...)
ENFP人能隨遇而安,极易适應工作環境 。(thats really true)他們有自己大膽的想法,在"頭腦風暴"中有突出的貢獻。然而,對他們來說,保持不變可不是一件容易的事,因為他們會很快的對一件東西厭煩,尤其當有更新、更有趣的東西出來時 ( i m improving now..)。但當幵會、規定最后完事期限以及完成所交代的枯燥無味的瑣事時,他們也是個拖延的人。衹有當他們与 Judger公事時,他們才會收起懈怠,發揮出最高的效率。

對ENFP人的描述:健談熱誠,友善的﹔聰明好奇,愛玩的﹔關心体貼,溫柔敏感﹔富有想象力,頗具創新精神﹔智慧樂觀,适應能力強,但有時做事無條理( all the time, not sometimes..-_-")

Monday, January 22

family dayss.

exhausted .after this busy weekend.
schedule starting from

[Fri. night] dinner * mahjong
coldness deprived from misunderstanding. those complaining started at mid-night.

cried. becoz of my prejudgment. i should trust him
cried. becoz he just dun said anything and turned back ( but he will come to my side within 2 mins in final )
His comforting, is not good indeed, but his big hug is enough solely then. ^^

Some parts of our past is not easy to remember or even, not willing to remember. Everybody does, so do I.
should be grateful when he is loyal to me in present and the future. (he should feel the same becoz i m faithful to him solely too)
* i should judge by my heart. not from what i heard.

[sat] yum afternoon cha ( i luv that most ) just like those gon gon po po: newspaper and discuss those news together while having Shrimp Gao and Siu mai...
try try that AKG earphone, thats crap.
dinner and mahjong with his family and wait him home ( feel weird definitely )
play till 2. holding his arm and fell asleep while he was playing his PSP. ( i m proper bobo really )

[sun] wake up at 8, breakfast with his family, say goodbye to his bro. massage and sauna at shengzhen. have a talk with aunt during sauna (we both just got a big towel to wrap our bodies =p).
*Luv relationship * Our personality * Career * Health * Family
dinner ..and back....

'Hey, where's ur ring ? die la nei. u got my ring la.'
'You didnt said those sentences to me for 2 weeks la... i said already, but u just neglect me ji ma'
'i can sense that really, but the best result can be attained if you would like to tell me thru words'

his brain ran soo fast suddenly ...hehe...and which recalled me we got argument last week...
i promise we should be happy in every single weekends and holidays

la...just for you only * ngoi oi nei lei

Friday, January 19


但畢竟之前我對他對感情的專一性有過高的評價, 知道後. 很失望

他只說他人的不好, 卻疏忽他的自己的壞
如果我是她, 一是離開, 一是立即打電話問過究竟
她沒有什麼的不對, 因為控制不到自己了

畢竟, 我沒有資格去批評
心情再往下去也只令他人覺得我很小心眼, 很煩氣
dun be silly . move on pls.

p.s. 清醒一點. make it simple, darling

Wednesday, January 17

muel dinner @east end

dinner with muel @ east-end brewery, cwb*
nice food , luv that pizza ( chicken with unknown cheese) , nice talk, cozy about - luv, work, new business, daily life

we laugh about our common consumer behaviour
*sony 百幾蚊個d earphone我都唔鍾意, 咁緊係買shure E2 啦, 橫掂下次都會買返, 一係唔買, 一係就買鐘意既, 都係相差幾百蚊之嗎 ($200 vs $700 in fact)
*橫掂都要轉的士返屋企, 不如一程過啦
*今次搭左的士, 聽日唔搭咪得 (不過...)
*嘩, 好平呀, 三百幾蚊jar ( 咁三百幾多呀? ) umm...$399 ( 下? 差一蚊就四百架 ) 呀..係喎

after this chinese typing,
i feel sad...


9 crimes - damien rice

is that alright ?
is that alright ?
is that alright ?
is that alright ?
is that alright ?


Monday, January 15

2007-01-14 / low-mood day* HeiHei Nite

my mood keep lowering when all the things are pending. what should i do? what will i do? dinner or not?? damn....I DUN KNOW
and the funniest point is : i can't get the infomation I want becoz of my Low Mood indirectly, sighhhh.....
pretending my mood is okay in front of bf ( but that smart boy can figure it out right away even i m the phone or even MSN). my low mood cant even rescue by that lovely movie - the holiday. ( will try to write sth for them later)
i try not to tell what made me feel sad till 6p.m. he feel innocent....i know that, but jus wanna what i feel. But in fact, i knew i just exaggarated when i feel low.

sorry, hon
i think i should try to think positively first. and u should tell me right away when u know that news. i d love to attend those gathering, wanna be with u all the time. but try to tell me as soon as u can.
all the things would be changed dramatically if u tell me during fri. nite, not sat. morning......

lite dinner after that ( soooorrry windy & kenny..) went Quarry Bay , Kwai Fong.... their basketball match. the play cool even they lost, its worth to go to that remote place and cheer them up.

after that, HeiHei @ LKF with Kenny, Windy, Francis and Simon
didnt go LKF for ages...reached the club @ 2:00am .music is pretty cool, but terribly crowded, i cant stand properly ( thanks kenny those guys protect us all the time)
leave at 4, and reach home at 5. received his sms at 5:30am.....sorry....

2007-01-15.16 / gambling day and nite * sweet morning
start playing mahjong with bf's family after lunch on last sun.
My tw mahjong skill seems getting improved
had a great dinner at his home.( but i was terribly full).. watch TV together....

i didnt expected i would stayed there overnight. my first time.
check email on his computer before we slept, goodnite kisses , listen that 'smyphony' during sleep, wake up together, morning kisses, help him to dry his hair, try the toast he dislike, bus together and read newspaper, breakfast together, holding hands all the time before he reach his office's lobby
it is just a simple daily life, but i luv that simple

i agree ur sms. we just like what you told.......
i found out. thats what i m wishing

thank you card

Thursday, January 11

iPhone .

iPhone had been launched yesterday morning, i m extremely exciting.coz i wait for it for a long long time.
The outlook is great, i think the day iPhone launched at H.K, it should be the time to say goodbye to my O2.

the screen is much bigger, multi-touch, sync with my mac easily.,...and 8GB just USD600. thats cheap...

But after my in-depth checking -
iPhone will be launched at YEAR2008 ...
2008 ? ng hai gua.....

Tuesday, January 9

*2007/01/08 - 09 Office Moved. completed.

canton road toy house -> china h.k. city
packing, moving, unpacking.
moving my huge computer on my own ( but samuel do really help me a lot , thx)

freakly exhausted. really need to use my hands to move my legs. my shoulder pain.
my skin sensitive problem happened becoz of dusts and bloody wind bleeze.
sucks... i should be crossed my hands and sit still....waiting for those crews...

"hey, you should tell your boss you even can't cook anything, washing those s doesn't make sense to move that huge computer " dad inched me.
"oh, sharon, these few days must be the harddest days for you, you are such an siu siu jei" one colleague said to me. ........

i m not that siu siu jei.
jeans and sport shoes, squeeze all my energy out today. (but i just work as assistant )
i didnt cook, but its doesnt mean i can't do that. hmm.. lack of experience solely
believe me, i can be a good chef in future (Chef? dun be silly, you even can't make a simple dishes now)

i didnt have enough physical strength , but i can do more than u could imagine in intellectual way.
Be Aristotle, not Hercules. We are in the different way.

p.s. walking thru the park in the morning, bird sings ; enjoy the sea bleeze every working days; no " hoi fong road"

Sunday, January 7

my bloody work schedule

1. am - cut and sewn 3 styles, new brand logo hangtag design [completed]
2. am - sweater 4 styles [ 3/4 completed Jan6]
3. am - sweater 6 styles
4. copeal bag design
5. paola frani bag design amendment
6. katakani san 's embroidery design for belt and lapel
7. beijing booth layout (god, no piemeire pls..)
8. dv & relax 's ordering sheet sketches. 30styles

deadline - 25th jan.. my bloody jan.
what the fxxx

Wednesday, January 3



這個新年前夕很是難忘, 吵架了
為了的是大家溝通上的出錯, 實是小事一樁, 不值一提

錯於他在不適合的時候說出一些話 ; 錯於我心情低落時又將小事化大,辛苦了.
當他說出那傻傻怪怪的原因時, 我真是哭笑不得, 也實在很甜的
嬲唔落 笑了

晚上, 和他在中環來一個litelite的晚餐
於LKF街頭倒數, 擁抱著, 感到很高興
不選擇在酒吧豪飲, 而是山楂茶, cranberry果汁, Krispe Kreme 的hot chocolate, 再一枝perrier ( in a short span of time).
在街上逛逛, 說說話

比起上一年, 我更很愛這個count down(apart from my swelling eyes)
p.s.下年的countdown, 我要與他在Taipei 101渡過

p.s. ii. lolo: dont get mad, treat you a dinner after ur show is finished .>.<>

Monday, January 1

year 2006 review.

year 2007.1.1. hardly believe the time can be flied sooo fast.
2006 review -
* left that bloody hell in final 20/9/06. ( thx monique. u made me to leave this hell more rapidly )
* had changed to the field which i m looking for since my school life.
* "travel year"- beijing. thailand. macau. shanghai.
* my room was being furnished. i luv my new place.
* communicated with hon's family
* well communicated with my sister, even we are far apart. ^^
* getting healthier, hehe. cuz i really get into the bed much earlier than before. ( except that bloody headache from stress and unhappiness. >.<) * the frequency of getting drunk is much lesser

love life keep growing now. we both had changed for this year. i start to focus on more ' long-term' stuff, He start to know how to communicate well with me. thank you for his luv, every little things he done for me. Thx really.

year 2006. gone.
all sweet memories will be imprinted onto my heart.
looking forward to my bright life .. happiness, sadness or even barriers...
that's life.