Thursday, May 4

Match Point 迷失決勝分

The man who said 'I'd rather be lucky than good’ saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward and you win…or maybe it doesn’t, and you lose.”

A one-time tennis pro, Chris Wilton (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) was used to falling just short in his life. But when he befriends Tom Hewett (Matthew Goode) and marries his sister, Chloe (Emily Mortimer), the doors are opened to the kind of money and success that Chris had once only dreamed of. Chris should have settled for happiness, but he is torn by his attraction to Tom’s impossibly beautiful and sensual fiance, Nola (Scarlett Johansson). The attraction turns to an obsession that forces Chris to make a critical choice. Now everything in his life hinges on if Chris falls short again…and whether or not his luck runs out.

昨晚雖然痛得要彎著腰, 但由於一早已買了戲票看了Match Point ( Directed by Woody Allen), 沒想到70歲的活地亞倫可以拍出這樣一部很緊湊的電影.
男主角在兩個女人中間, 一個(Chole)是可以令他的生活安穩,有美好前途的人, 而另一個(Lola)是可以帶給他激情的人, 他當然是想自私地擁有兩者. 但後來情婦Lola懷孕後就發現安穩生活比起"愛" 緊要得多. 兩人只可以選擇一個之下, 他佈局殺了Lola.

其實他殺人佈局漏洞多多, 但幸運之神之眷顧下, 完全沒有被人發覺. 他仍然擁有幸福家庭, 高薪厚職....
最後介指的一幕, 真是出人意表, 全場人都嘩了一聲..

我最喜愛的是Lola以及其鄰居亡魂的一段 ( 突然間好像在看鬼片一樣), 男主角看見他所殺的人之亡魂, 淚流披面, 但他完全沒有什麼悔意. 他不斷用藉口來解釋 (就像我一樣)......解釋過後, 亡魂消失...

而關於愛情的那一段, 他是否真的愛Lola呢? 還只是Sex Appeal呢? 如果他是愛的話, 他不會不放棄安穩生活, 不會大話連連, 不會懷了殺機.... 他不是不愛他的妻子Chole, 但如果他是愛的話, 他不會背著他的妻子和其他女子鬼混, 不會有去意.
如果是你, 你會怎樣選擇? 安穩生活還是愛情 ?

p.s. 背景音樂 十分的好~很match
p.s. II 去看看它的of
ficial website呀, 也很不錯的
這是肯定是我近年愛看電影之十大之一. =-)


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