Operation Christmas Child or ‘OCC’, in short, brings joy and hope to underprivileged children around the world through a gift-filled shoe box and a booklet telling the Good News of God’s love for mankind. This is a simple but powerful gift that can change a child’s life for good. The message of God’s love being the driving force behind helps them to understand the true reason for celebrating Christmas—the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
In 2009, Hong Kong launched its first OCC project. We collected 18,633 gift boxes for needy children in Sichuan, China and Manila in the Philippines. This year, we will again collect gift boxes for sending to children in mainland China and other Asian countries ravaged by natural disasters or war, so as to make them feel loved and find hope in life again. We sincerely invite your participation in this meaningful course by giving your gift boxes and donations (Donations will be used for all related expenses including printing of relevant literature, processing, handling, storage, shipping and distribution of gift boxes and costs of following up programs etc). As the Bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”! Let us all be blessed through giving and embrace this opportunity to care for suffering children in a tangible manner.
Since 1993, more than 77 million shoe boxes have been delivered to needy children in over 130 countries across the globe. In 2008 alone, as many as 1.3 million children attended OCC training programs and among them 725,526 made their decision to follow Christ. Rev. Franklin Graham, CEO of Samaritan's Purse, encourages you to also pray for the millions of children who will receive your gifts. We firmly believe that God will for sure use these “shoe boxes” to work miracles in little children’s lives.
We are looking forward to your participation in this year’s Operation Christmas Child. We hope that we can collect more gift boxes for children in need in 2010. Gift collection will start from November 28 till December 8. Further information will be posted on our website shortly.