Friday, November 20
lost and found
Seems I m almost get into the relationship…
I start not to mention about my ex much
I start not to visit his facebook already
I didn’t think what he was doing during weekend
I start to think about someone already
I start to know more about him .
The dark cloud still overhead me, but the cloud is getting thinner
I don’t want to calculate and test how much he cares , how much he likes me
I just wanna to give all I can ….
It was my principle. But somehow it was lost due to the hurts
I need to have faith and trust. J
God pls give me strength and guide me…
Monday, November 2
Thursday, October 29
Friday, October 9
bone marrow.
and yesterday, doctor need to extract her bone marrow for testing...
bone marrow....
how painful it will be esp. for a 94-years-old lady
pray for her...
Sunday, September 13
謝謝你們的關心, 這段時間打擾到你們了
今天聽了小故事, 願分享
一個男孩背著沙鍋, 沒有其他行裝穿州過省
有一天繫在沙鍋的繩子斷了, 整個沙鍋跌在地上, 沙鍋破了
那男孩竟頭也不回就一直向前行, 旁人看了就問 ‘ 為什麼你不看看那沙鍋怎樣 ?’
他回答 ‘沙鍋破也破了, 補也補不了, 乾脆不用再回頭了 ’
如果要用時間來終結, 或者拖拖拉拉 吞吞吐吐 , 又或者再一路逃避
就如那男孩那樣說‘沙鍋破也破了, 補也補不了, 乾脆不用再回頭了 ’
Love & kiss,
Wednesday, August 26
understand that finally
盡量框住目前 大概
留住溫度 速度 溫柔和憤怒
凝住今日 怎樣好
捉緊生命濃度 坦白流露 感情和態度
停下時光 靜止衰老
其實人生 並非虛耗
Thursday, August 13
Thursday, July 30
bday present announcement ( in advance )
Thursday, July 23
Tuesday, July 21
IMU 04
明天你就回來. 希望你會開你的mailbox看到這些emails呢.
今次的旅行行程實在太緊密, 而我也發生了一件很exciting的事呢, 不過這些要配合照片, 遲一點給你看 ..)
我們也到了Room18 呀,裝修了, 再漂亮一點. 不過舞池小了, 我們五個人就是站在上面.
在那兒,我在想我們的第一次在room18的時侯 (還記得kirk玩到丟了眼鏡嗎? 嘻嘻……).
你應該感謝吧,我到了club也在想你呢..:p我很乖呀, 一位bartender想認識我也沒有理會太多 ( 好的就是我們有free drinks ).
你的手信我已經叫aunt幫我轉給你 J
明天你回來, 會像一個黑人嗎? :p
Friday, July 17
IMU 03
感覺很不實在, 時間比你去hangzhou的時間慢得多
silly thoughts 有時真的太多
明天一早就會到機場了 ,出發到台北 :)
會玩 會吃 會買

Tuesday, July 14
10:35AM HKG departure ( sha & windy )
12:30PM 台北火車站 →瑞芳 TRAIN

6:30PM LEAVE 十分
10:30AM 光南大百貨
Monday, July 13
IMU 02
不知道你又在做什麼呢? 可能你在一個不知名的山頭露營中. 對著營火唱著歌 :p
p.s.今天細細也要去整指甲呢。有一隻指甲因為太長之後反插入toe入面,整個toe也腫了,所以帶他整指甲 (不過平宜得多 hkd30 :p), 這張照片是他在袋子裡。他像不像頭lup著絲襪那些賊人呢?嘻嘻
Friday, July 10
IMU 01
你好嗎 ?
不知道你在做什麼呢? 凌晨一點了,你應該睡了吧
今天晚上電視又有播關於 michael jackson 的歌
聽到thriller, 想起你電話的鈴聲
Luv & Kisses,
Wednesday, July 8
today i feel abit unstable, maybe i know starting from today till 22nd, we will not have any connection, and even i dun know where he will be... :(
anyway, its a good trip for him so i should be happy for him as well lor
see u , ar b
p.s. however i feel abit upset that he didnt call before the trip. just a sms....
Tuesday, June 9
Monday, June 8
his home sweet home
I didn’t have any exciting feeling in the sat. morning. Received his msg about his flight delay… so i just do my my stuff slowly…
His plane landed at 8pm finally and I arrived airport at 8:15pm…
So he showed up when I had been waiting for 15mins, my face looked calm however my heartbeat was fast.
He hugged me and then we went to his place for dinner.
The feeling just like the old days, normal and sweet… and it seems we didn’t apart for long.
Maybe its call ‘stability’
Thursday, June 4
Friday, May 29
wondering about my old self.

friday, just having a holiday break yesterday , so actually today's holiday mood keep going on and on...........
actually nothing special in these few days.
but really , communicate with rikc is comfortable i have to say, he got loads of stuff wanna share wif you, but of cuz, love vanished for long, so anyway its good to have a frd like him.
Ms.Tiff reminded me about b's first trip to mumbai.
and then i browse the old blog, realize sth :
* i was extremely care about his text or email ....
*do lots of things before he leave ( that boarding pass reli reli nice, i m stunned still ' how can i make it ? ' )....
* cant stop thinking ' why he did that ? ' ' why he didnt that ? ' ...
after 2 years.
i just wondering my old self...........
i m really getting mature...
Monday, May 25
send 42 to u

24th May, 2009
Happy 42th months anniversary, it means 3 year and exactly an a half.
thought you forgot about it , but nevermind :)
suddenly i can smell the passion fruit fragrance, can see your happy face when you done the treasure hunt inside hotel, can hear you sing the-sing-along-song to me, can touch your tummy when i m lying on ur shoulder..........................
Wish you happy all the time.
Luv & Kisses,
Friday, May 22
i lost my wallet ?!
however i cant find my red wallet. ' i looked around my table, the floor and the sitting room but nothing....
i m terribly worried...
i went back to my mom's house and ask for $500 and head back to office by taxi.
actually i was worried the wallet was dropped inside the taxi last night after dinner. so i m trying to call the lost & found , and also i do suspend all my credit cards, ATM cards....
the thing what i was thinking is - sigh. that was my favourite wallet. what should i get for my next one ???????
when i arrive office, i called my mom and ask her to fish my home again
after 15mins, they found it..... inside one of my grandma's bag.
the bag is natually black, she seldom use it. when my mom and dad open it and saw my wallet , they found theres no any money there.
but my mom knows i must got some money there so they search again.
and finally she hide the money in other bag with pin tucks in the opening.....................-_-"
' oh , thats why she was very happy and didnt ask for money this morning during breakfast , cuz she got the money from 'other' sources ' dad teased.
anyway, my wallet's here
and i wanna tell u all is, i m not that big head shrimp ......
Sunday, May 17
1st day *

this is the first day of his biz trip.
no any bad feeling except when we depart, dun worry..its just a bit sad feeling ...
and before i didnt prepare anything for his trip, no any emails or sth except 2 packs of ching eat ho
of cuz i will do what i did before: dun ask him to contact me regularly, dun call / sms him proactively .
i do understand theres no any good result if i check too much, push him too hard....
later on, hving a great yoga class & sun tanning at repulse bay. arms and legs tanned after only spent 2 hours on the beach.....
its really a wonderful afternoon :)
and of cuz
its reli a good timing.....:)
Monday, May 11
R.I.P. my iphone
那些收機的,對我說 '樣子還不錯, 只可惜...'
最後我的iphone賣了, 只得六百大元 ( 算是很不錯了 )
當它還在時, 我還大大聲對朋友說我要脫離iphone family..
現在, 我真是很不捨 (但我認為再花數千元買同一款機實在太無聊 )
aunt提醒我上一次在LA入水也是她生日前的一天, 那次是僥倖地生還
aunt說 ' 你賺左架啦 ! '
Monday, April 27
lovely bloodly monday
my trip is not bad. at least not very rush with lovely weather in London.
and i just wanna tell a good news is - I had implied to my chief about my annual leave at mid-june for a whole week and its seems okay..LOL....
but of cuz everything will be confirmed around mid may. so reli need to save the money for it.
mood is not very very good.
maybe company is not too stable
maybe customer feedback in UK is not good as we expected
maybe ar b need to leave HK again for 3 weeks.. mm..
or maybe i need to attend one more meeting this afternoon again..
looking forward to weekend again.
dun know why, its only bloodly monday..sigh...
Sunday, April 12
Easter Time *
Recently really dun have much to update. life as usual. my main focuz on my work, loan repayment & yoga time
meanwhile the recent topic between bf and me sud be our upcoming Canada trip. Trace from my old blog. we had mentioned about this around 2 years ago.
Time flies and june is coming soon, and he start talking about it during this month, and of cuz the main concern is money and job *
but as frd said, this trip is meaningful for us.
so for the holidays, lets talk with my chief designer during the upcoming London trip...
and about money, mm... the thing i can do is dun spend any lor...
will update u guys after my biz trip....
Friday, March 13
update again ! horray

Monday, March 2
Wednesday, February 25
The curious case of Benjamin Button

I know some of its background before, but its really out of expectation since it really drive me to think more about life, death and love.
Everything seems have its own track.
If you choose another way, it may change the whole stuff, however the ending will be the same.
You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.
And the important thing is you have to enjoy the process :)
I love this movie soo much
Is there any novel of it ?
Monday, February 23
Sunday, February 22
Friday, February 20
Ar B went HangZhou for two and a half week again. Today is the first day.
However the mood is different from before.
I didn’t feel panic or worried or keep thinking the activities I will have to do during his leave
I didn’t ask for any Bou Dou text since as frds said everything can be fake. he will text you when he miss you. If you push him to archieve your wish, he can archieve in the short run, but finally he will repell and leave finally
so why dun just let him do what he want
Everything under his willingness is the best way
And of cuz , i do understand ' rubber band theory :) so i also have more confident on myself and him.
I m getting mature :D
* or maybe the MAIN reason of good mood is I had arranged my activities already la ,hahaha :DMonday, February 16
valentine* day
Tuesday, February 10
yoga life, wifi life, work life, wat a busy life :)
and now i can lying on my bed and typing my blog, it really cool. it seems really good to get one new laptop for leisure :)
life becoming more stable, staying insie the office at least for almost 10hours. however, i think i m being productive again.
and now i can arrange my time much easier after grounded. so i just joinned a yoga class, 2 days a week, i can stress out and do some sports meanwhile i can meet up my buddies at the same time. LOL
work life is busy, but its perfect to me cuz it busied till 6:20pm ONLY. colleagues are good and friendly, salary is rather good with better prospect. so now i hope i can work here for longer time. i can feel i can develop my career here
love life is better after i grounded as well, i do enjoy every weekend to spend time with him, but i will not feel upset or eneasy when he cant stay with me and i still can enjoy myself or with buddies. Its a good thing which i learned thru my crew life :)
i love my busy life, with family, lover, buddies and some leisure activities :)))))
i got the balance now, hhhhooooooorrrraaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
p.s. job is not easy, however i will have a chance to london as business trip on april again :) wakaka, topshop & primark, i m coming for u
Monday, February 9
Thursday, January 22
house warming present
this is the present for Cheung's family .
Each letters need to be scratched on the surface
it fix me for a whole night ......
but its worthy when it looks good , right ? :)
Monday, January 19
funny weekend.
having a great dinner at peninsula with my colleagues, its a really good experience, we all having loads of dessert , especially those home-made ice-cream, yummy...
after that, i went to have a good drink with Faye and her funny buddies till quite late, its a good bar, nice environment.. and of cuz i just drank some..
my sat. is good as well, shopping with windy , then dinner and then 2 of us go to drink with Isabel and Faye AGAIN. Jeff's place look superb after renovation, I love 70s feeling with nice songs.
we talked a lot and a lot, sharing infomation and tackle the problem we faced .
I love my buddies xxxxx
I love girls talk, keep on going :)
and wish you gals happy forever
p.s. 3ppl said i look like Lam Hei Lui in a day. it seems nice :)
Saturday, January 17
Friday, January 16
new concept bling
I haven't met her a long time ago, probably a whole year, she definitely changed, seems getting much mature.
after that, I have a drink with that 2 gentlemen in East-end
really can't expected we can talked that long ....
they give me a new concept :)
i m just waiting for the good timing
Monday, January 12
lookback 2008

its a bit late to have a review of year 2008, anyways....
2008 , the year of game . mm definitely i didn't do any meaningful stuff at all.
my travel life start from Jan10, starting from Osaka, i had been almost all ports, visit all the places, took so many pics, bought so many things, and slept a lot.
meanwhile its happy year for Ma's family, gloria get married and start her new life with craig. Family seems bonded much tighter after her marriage. its definitely a good thing
jun2008, sud be the month of unhappiness
everything exploded after some stupid arguments. everything lost control and definitely its was a hard time to me. i had admitted i did something wrong ,I had learned that I sudn't say something easily without thinking. meanwhile I do understand I should keep my promise.
Meanwhile I should be forgive easily if its just a tiny matter.
its a good thing actually cuz I get to know more about him and myself.
and I also understand how much faith I 've got.
I would like to thank you for all good friends's opinion and comfort during that moment: Jean, Dennis, Faye, Isabel, Lilian, Melolo, zoe, maggie...
meanwhile, i also being bothered by Fall 2008.
job hunting is difficult after the Lehman Bros bankrupted. over 30 cover letters had been sent but no one reply. Luckily helps from friend so I can get back a 5-days-design-job again.
everything start going back on track since Dec.
mood is better, life seems stable again...
so keep going and look ahead :)
p.s. i hope i can write sth about crew life in this few days.