these news are appearing on the TV, webpage , everywhere.
all pictures in the newspaper are just breathtaking & heartbreaking.
can u imagine 2.8million lives had been lost in only 5mins earthquake ?
can u imagine how serious of 7.8 magnitute earthquake ?the news said you even can't stand up......
can u imagine maybe you are the only survivor in the whole building ?
the news said government only can provide a very small amount of rice to each person per day.....
i feel bad that i waste half plate of sphagetti last night....
god bless those ppl still waiting for rescue...
u will see the light very soon, you will be fine....cheer up & have faith....
Saturday, May 17
48 hours?! sighhhhhh
i m in england again.its freaky tired , uno, i seems didnt lay on a single bed ( even those bloody hotel bed ) for almost 48 hours.
Checked my roster, thanks god he gave me so many flights which i looking for: New york * taipei overnight * Paris.
roster is pretty tight, only 12days in Hong kong, meanwhile i can't off in all weekend..its pretty sad.
but anyway, i know the cabin crew game come to the end very soon. cuz what i wished had been come truewhen he said ' good , finally ' it made me feel touch :)
i m going to have a nap before the dinner with my sister and craig :) talk to u later, night night
Checked my roster, thanks god he gave me so many flights which i looking for: New york * taipei overnight * Paris.
roster is pretty tight, only 12days in Hong kong, meanwhile i can't off in all weekend..its pretty sad.
but anyway, i know the cabin crew game come to the end very soon. cuz what i wished had been come truewhen he said ' good , finally ' it made me feel touch :)
i m going to have a nap before the dinner with my sister and craig :) talk to u later, night night
Tuesday, May 13
L.A. Trip May5-9

I went to the states finally :)
its so lucky that Apple is my buddy on this trip ( but how poor she was & how bad the company was ..mmm)
mm.. firstly i should write about the flight, this flight is quite tiring one, we depart at midnight, and before the door closed, one old lady just fall down and lying on the aisle & I m the first crew to see this happen...My first instant thought is ' Where is the AED ? ' luckily this old lady still consicous. She told me about her upset stomach and she feel okay. But finally company didnt want to take the risk of cuz, she had been offload and can't fly with us....
Work Life is still like the same, busy and messy, some troublesome and demanding passenger. but its fine actually. but after this trip, i think my english conversation keep improving again ( conversation maybe its means i inch those pax)
Gangs of Cup noodles ? they truly anywhere, anytime, anyhow. I did one whole cart + 4 trays from MSC. And u know we short 1 crew, so Ar Jei keep saying its very harsh and dont answer call light quickly....
After 13hours. i m in LAX already :)
we decided to go Universal Studio (USD $90 including coach fee ) even we slept for few hours. Its pretty good theme park, brilliant Shrek 4D show, we enjoy it most, the scene, the story, the sound effect...everything are perfect :)
Actually we played all game and watch so many shows , i still remember the Jurassic Park & The mummy one. all the scenery , props are really nice, its just like real . i think its worths it.
but the unluckiest thing is the Simpson Rollar Coaster start at 24th this month ..sigh, i can only take the pic on promotion wall...
this trip is reli a relaxing trip. i didnt think much. Just wanna play and sightseeing.
the second day, Apple back already. so I went to Manhattan beach & the nearby Manhattan Village Mall alone
the beach is pretty nice. not much people there but the weather is pretty chilly. so u know, one man on the windy and chilly beach, i feel lonely for sure ( esp my ipod plays some sad songs like sigur ros or damien rice )
i walked to the beach for 1 hour and then i go to the mall to try to get the iphone for aunt, but they told me its out of stock ( i start to believe 3G iphone on coming june )
finally i leave on that midnight again.
its a good experience to stay in the States. its pretty good :)
but the bad is i still feel so tired after few days...its a sign of getting old really.sigh.....
p.s. I m highly recommended to get an iphone. u know, it still work fine even it swim in Coca-coca for 15mins..