today i will start the flights again after the conversion training , life will become fluctuate again, quite tight schedule this week , luckily i can have thurs noon off after narita flight & i can have sat & sun off. ..lucky me this time, however i knew every weekend off are impossible for this
i m not so sure that i seems not reli want to fly today, maybe i m quite nervous to work on jumbo flight..or i m start to going to miss my stable life again...
see ya, i start my journey to work again .
Monday, April 28
Thursday, April 17
Thursday, April 10
dubai / bahrain apr3-7
five days pattern again. u know i start homesick already on the 3rd day
anyways its a very very nice trips, i had a good buddy cora and japanese ar jei - rika
plus this time a very nice captain joe can be our guard and tourist guide..hoho:)
work is harsh sometimes, i still have some ma-fann passenger, keep asking for food, i broke 2 more nails, its soooo hurt!!
dubai is such a great place, this artificial city which built on the desert, but u can see flowers and bushes everywhere. and you can go skiing, swimming, sunbathing , desert sandboarding, camel playing , shopping in one place, dont u feel amazing ??
i went snowboard of cuz, its the biggest indoor ski place in the world. its much cheaper than vancouver, $380 for 2 hours and all rental ( its clothes are much much better than grouse mountain as well) . joe really take care of me esp when i fell down after the lift ( i fell down 6 times at that spot, sighhhh...) he drag me from that dangerous spot and then he fell down as well..LOL...:)
about my skill, definitely i improved again, its seems like magic that i can snowboard like time in 2nd time, reli, i should move to canada again ..hhoohoho
i start can go downhill in straight board ( no need zip-zap already) , and start learning about big-s :) i had lots of fun ..hehe
however, compare with van one, ski dubai is much smaller, i can reach the hill foot in, i m really looking forward to the real ski trip..hehee
And we had dinner together, all crews crowded in joe's room and cooking the dinner, we had sphagetti, oyster and mussel , but the saddest thing is i m the only one who cant cook..sigh.....
' maybe u sit here and watch us cook is best way ...' they told me
during day time, normally we go shopping ( actually window shopping )
when i back my hotel room in nighttime, i will hugging my yeung mei mei and playing my psp till sleep
the most memoriable is , captain had invited me and cora to go to the cockpit in the flight to HK.
the scene is stunning, i can see loads of stars, some shooting stars , satellite and i saw the milky way . its absolutely stunning. meanwhile we watched the sunrise in 37,000ft..omg..stunning...i think its the greatest experience in my life cuz i really dun expect it. love it :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
i just wanna take some pics for my bf..however, i cant do it esp when i stay near those complicate equipment. captain told me i can see the polar light when the flight to London or Toronto in wintertime....
but i want to watch it with my bf more :) hehe
p.s. transit flight is quite good :) less work and more pay..hoho , good for me this lazy gal

Wednesday, April 9
song which touch me
i listened this song on the radio this morning. its soo touching .....
its so familiar, i heard that before when i m little....
and her voice is soo brilliant.
哭 哭一雙好戀人
差一些會一世共行 無奈又終須分
哭 哭多想都不能
永遠都祝福你 永遠心中把你親
Tuesday, April 8
是一個好悠閒的一個trip. 到了日本的溫泉,泡著泡著也是很舒服
吃了最少四杯雪糕,吃了很多次自助餐,吃了很新鮮的魚生和sushi, 吃了很好很好大大的蝦,和一千元一塊的高級松板牛