' hows your school life ? '
由8月31日開始從香港到新加坡, 再回到香港轉機到倫敦
到英國大約留了9天, 再回到香港轉機到杭州
在杭州留了一個星期, 今天回到香港, 馬不停蹄地開始我的工作 - 台北Overnight
離開了香港半個月, 而且也放了也是半個月的假
今天8月17日, 雖然還未能回到家中
明天就可以抱著他 :)
watched this movie on the plane from London to Hong Kong.
its quite embaressing i cried ( quite heavily )during this movie, hopefully the cabin was soo dark so no one can see my tears coming down from my face.hehe
its all about a lovers who spent together for 6 years.
All passion gone, you may say the relationship had been evoluted to another stage but somehow the relationship is not that sweet anymore..
women's complaint & men's not-listening-attitude lead the relationship to be fragile. And its a good moment that those 3rd person come into their life.mm..
i cried alot during the later part of the movie especially when the men start to realize he still in love with his gf whom want to give up the relationship.Man wanna rescue it but the girl think its too late.
the ending is they broke up finally . but after 1 year they stay together again cuz they can forget all the bad from the past & they both know how much they miss each others.however the director want to deliver is another thing cuz the last lyrics she said is the things just keep cycling. the longer they stay together, more bad habit would be come out again. they will start going to complain & argue...and then broke up again....
no one knows this 6-years-lovers whether can going to the end or not...
god knows then
This has historically been hard for women to understand because when they are stressed their natural reaction is to talk about issues in order to find a solution. This leads to a natural dynamic of the man retreating as the woman tries to grow closer. This becomes a major source of conflict between any man and woman.