Tuesday, July 31
Friday, July 27
凌晨五點, 很清醒 因為我仍清楚知道itune播放那首歌, 我還可以哼起來
害怕又為你失望 *
Wednesday, July 25
生日前夕. 也沒有想過這樣的過
所有的失望化成淚. 很是難過. 20個月來我們從來沒有試過這樣.
她的抱抱. apple crumble.辛辣長通粉. 她的咀咀. 星期一的燈籠街, chivas, 紅酒, cosmopolitan, 兩粒骰子, sms, 哭
早上如常上班. 八時十五分
我看見他. 又在我樓下.
感動得說不出話. 因為他的樣子很累了
他的抱抱像之前的不一樣. 我也相信心是會痛的 .因為他抱我抱得很緊
車子載我到公司門口. 我就決定請假一天.
他送給我的禮物. 我很喜歡. 他還給安裝, 還給我的房間打掃
星期二的海港城有很多自由人. 天氣很熱, 他駕著車,背子也全濕, 我的大腿也被陽光熾得痛
晚上和aunt uncle的buffet也是吃得很飽. 沒有次序的吃.
我很喜歡那手錶. ’嘻嘻嘻’ 笑聲不絕.
被割傷了的.蓬完針後傷口仍要 時間來回復因為它還在痛
感謝你. 因為你說你會證明給我知道
Monday, July 23
Wednesday, July 18
16.07.07 / wat a long journey.
Journey from south horizon to TST to work at the morning. off at 6:30 and went to South horizon. reached at 7ish and then left his home at 730pm.
got 2 bags and reached Central at 8. Starbucks Orange juice + Muffin and i met a ' Bin Tai Low ', left IFC at 830. and heading Pageone at Lan Kwai Fong.get the novel and going back to IFC. sat inside Pacific coffee and ordered the Strawberry juice at 930pm. start reading. bf picked me up at 950pm.
waited for him almost 2 hours unexpectedly. unexpectedly really.
i didnt fat pei hei lei of cuz..good good i am
but i reli got a long long journey with my exhausted body ( u know, i even didnt have strength to get my high heel on from mon till Wed..)
Tired Tired Tired
Tuesday, July 17
15.Jul /Summer Boat trip
i got the first boat trip in this year. wahahaha..
same location *same time* same jet with the same chef.
same tomato appetizer + yummy steak + Jackson's white wine + grilled shrimp. But we got giant strawberries this time.
Windy & Kenny can't make it. but Lilian can join this time, Avis' frds is different from the last time, they are much funnier and nicer.
Weather is hotter so i juz sunbathed for less than 1hr , but i m much tanned this time
I played other water sports instead of wakebroad this time. but my arms and back hurts badly. and still feel exhausted now.. sigh...
I got MY 400D instead of Muel 350D, however i took less photos this time.
Ar B and I still like the same. he still helping me to get the food i want, bringing me my camera and beach-boy-smile to me all the time.
sweet sweet photos again*
wat a great boat trip !
However i can't get the shark fin for aunt's dinner..mmm :D
Thursday, July 12
love letter

He will washing my hair & brushing my teeth. he willl helping to dry my wet hair up. He will making the bed for me, He will getting my slipper on the floor before I take off my shoes. He will holding my hands even he is sleeping. He will wake up when I awake during the mid-night ( though, he will sleep right away ). He will playing Virtual tennis with me before our meal. He will be my personal model to take every shots from morning till mid-night. He will hugging me if I want it even the weather is hot. He will holding me and bouncing together. He will not leave me when I m in the temper.
He will let me to do his hair. He will let me to mess his desk. He will let me to try a newly bought massage bar on his whole body. He will let me to try coke-lite+ice. He will let me hiding my lovely private place . He will let me do some stupid stuff and to make both of us laugh together.
The things he did to me went beyond what I had expected.
tat is happy tear
Wednesday, July 11
所有都在凝固 . 由水變冰
To put effort . To contribute. To love.
Tuesday, July 10

two basketball match on sat. and sun. This is the first time to try to capture some Sport Photos by my honey 400D
TV preference 1/125, explosure to +1 , continuous mode , ISO set to 1600, got some nice shots but those noises pissed me off
we got some happy things we can laugh and smile of at the same time. nice dinner with uncle and aunt..ho Bao * be Hair Stylist Assistant * Bak Sik Geu Tap Fans * o_O"
因為他信 所以我更愛
Saturday, July 7
前蔭碎了一點 . 短了一點. 很久沒有剪了那麼的短
強強說我年輕了一點 斯文多一點
眼睛好像大一點. 但眼袋也相對地大了一點.
Thursday, July 5
Jun 08 England Jun 09 Canada

我又用我喜歡的google earth 在上空向下望, 一排一排的房子
2008年6月我在英國了 :)
之後Ar B 對我說2009年6月我們應該會在Canada了
我又用google earth去看看這我未到過的地方. 這是男友熟識的地方
你會不會帶我到河邊飲著咖啡釣魚 ?
你會不會帶我到你曾經住過每一個地方 ?
你會不會帶我到國家公園 ? 我想見熊印
你會不會帶我到你做part-time的地方 ?
你會不會帶我在你說最好味的steak house? 我要一客五成熟
你會不會帶我到你以前常去的big mart ? 我要和你一起推著trolley買你之前最喜歡買的食物
你會不會駕著車帶我到你熟識的道路上? 我想感受你做送餐時的情景
你會不會帶我到你讀的大學裡 ? 我想坐在草地上和你拍一張照.
最不好的就是是6月沒有北極光吧! 我想聽到你所說的北極光發出的小聲音
Wednesday, July 4
really ?
he have no chance.no matter what. okay ?
i m looking forward to the next ring
i m looking forward to our road trip in canada same as ur dream
Tuesday, July 3
iphone scratch test & drop test by PCworld
iPhone launched in U.S. already, and it s the hot topic around the world.
see the video, the scratch / Drop test
see? i think tats must be my coming next cellphone cuz it suit me reli
my coming mobile can be dropped on the floor whenever i want XDDDD
Jun 30 . Jul 1 . Jul 2.
之後買了甜品搭了叮叮等著男友晚上十時半下班. 好像是第三個星期了.
和他到了Ar c 的生日party @ Mint, Hollywood road.太high-end了. 十二點鐘到一點鐘走.=.=
星期六日和他家人在一起. 感覺是很舒服 :)
到china massage.看了一齣電影. 晚飯. 很relax.
看電視時掃著tabby的小頭, 她漸漸合了眼睛. 她很是relax
晚上時掃著男友的tummy, 一兩分鐘後他的symphony就會出現..我相信他也是很relax =p
星期一的假期也是很充實的渡過, 縱使男友也要上班了
早上麥當當和男友的早晨全餐, 之後在starbuck一大杯咖啡 & 小說. 十一點到就開始出發到金鐘買周年禮物.
回到中環到了aunt的office做沒太幫忙的助手, 可能我的低能行為反而令aunt笑得開心.所以我是aunt的cheerleader xD
再和aunt吃過下午茶.再和她在她office裡我一邊打著psp, aunt一邊啪啪地按著計算機, 一起講講話
>.< 可惡. 自己食左佢冇咁嬲
happy 17th month anniversary
又anniversary ?! 是的...這次是和 aunt uncle的紀念日 :)
p.s. GODIVA 和 Goffery from Aunt’s colleague. thx..