* bought my earphone in final: Ultimate Fi.3 Audio in white color. umm.. its look .. a bit weird really, but the sound is really cool and it within my budget
* Janice concert the 3rd row. thanks Kenny ~ Her voice is the best.
(see? Janice juz beside me ..keke )
but i had no mood to take photos last night after i saw Leon's photo. .. my PowershotS70 need to retire reli... >.<
昨天由於要Sick Leave之關係下要看醫生, 磅一磅重:
" 96 pounds " ?! 原來自己磅數已經不再是三位數字時, 本應該很高興.
但照著鏡子, 心想 " 96pounds 本應該看起來再瘦一點吧, 現在看起來怎樣也不似 "
怎辦好呢 ? 真是要90pounds吧....
Diet, keep diet.............
p.s. 但昨晚的糖水 (蓮子意米綠豆邊馬蹄沙) 令我感到很內疚. 很內疚...
為了懲罰自己, 決定取消今晚的晚餐
2 more days.