fri night, dinner @ Trivoli , TST with ex-company colleagues: zoe , fanny and henry.

all ppl left tat except Henry . ( sorry that i m late for 1 work..sigh..)
we talked alot ...ex-company, the career prospect...i m stunned tat Zoe will talk about her teach me.... no one is perfect..

be grateful....
and then we talked about this movie,
Devils wears Prada. for all of us, this movie is not just talked about Fashion and Love.......which talked about " the choice between love and career ". it is a difficult choice indeed...
Henry asked me that what will i choose if i were her, i said i will not give up all the things i established.....i had walked thru the hard boss just admit my recognization. How can i abandon all the things.... i also concern my love life ( as lolo and dave both said, i need LOTS of love ), so i will just try hard to be faithful on myself to work and to love desperatively. i will not let both things leaves me.....
after my "speech" , he said " it s not easy, baby....u still young and i see the sparkles in ur eyes...u will not staying this position for a very long is just temp. if u really want to find a stable job ....i know u will climb up ...
But be careful, you MUST remind yourself to stop when u reach to a certain level. it is not deserve to loss all ur things becoz of work. it is not the only thing in ur life, baby "i believe henry's word...i can keep going and never stop ...i will bear it in mind.
i know this job is just a stepping stone. i really need a company which got a promotion chance for me ( since if i still stay in the company, my title didnt change since i m the only graphic designer). i should get into some company which got a higher post for me, for ex. Creative Director ?!
At this moment, i should learn all i can....i need to equip well....Ad. firm ( 4A maybe, they holds lots of big client n i luv their office @soho too , great~) or some big production houses are my dream company.
start prepare.

after the dinner, i went shopping (again !) with fanny the pretty. i bought 2 things less than 10 mins. *a very good-looking brown long boot * white jacket.......both suits me

u know, fanny keep saying i m the devil....her shopping intention is super high when she be with me...but in final......i bought 2things, but she nothing..

and then we go to cafe ...a nice chat
i feel sad when she talked about those treat myself better..i will....