p.s.Lolo:努力學習,享受北京/內蒙之旅,拍多點相片,不用太想我了=P (另外我媽媽常向我提起你,叫你小心一點呀)
*finish the book the joke already. a harsh book for me...
*sickleave today, coz i dun want to get bored inside the bloody office, but i still got 3 more weeks to go....sigh~ i m still suffering ....
*thank you muel muel for ur canon 350d, i will help you to take some great shoots for leehom tonight but you know what, it s so horrible when i walk downstair which got 90degrees steep , with my 2inch height high heel in the rain during midnight ..sigh.......
(the photo taken aboved by your 350d , hehehe)
i didn’t do anything wrong, i didnt get drunk and do something silly to anger u, but why did you blame on me ?
i still by your side if you need me, all people can be the witnesses
i didn’t do something to trigger or to provoke this, i m just in the passive way
i do nothing (juz cried in front of my sis and craig when we off the taxi, i m useless)
if you don’t believe that, just leave it.
dinner with twinzen at central..
吃過晚飯, 之後再到LKF吃花生飲啤酒 (我只是飲凍檸檬茶,唉,怕肥呢)
談了很多話,說說他和他的Finland Angel的相遇故事(都很浪漫的)