Wednesday, July 26
早上收到可惡的icq messagezzz+我就是不喜歡要擦什麼人的鞋+不知道的話請不要胡亂地猜+所有朋友的不幸事宜:figfig*fel.sung*ava*zoe*+疲憊+想也想不出來+.....
所有的一下子襲過來, 吃不消了
吃了,飽了,滯了, 快要吐了
Tuesday, July 25
天氣有點反常, 早上天文台錄得最高溫度37.5度, 下午急降至10度,
突然間聽到傳來「劈里啪啦」聲, 天空散落一粒粒的水晶
天空閃下閃下, 接近二千次. 很美
我相信, 是上天給我的禮物
Monday, July 24
the wishing well
there is plenty of colorful mushrooms and giant flowers.
Several dears are running and the birds are singing
She start a glimpse and found a wishing well near the lake.
she just find a coin from her pocket and just thrown it into the well.
she start to make wishesssss for herself :
then she just grab one more coin to make a wish,
for us. ^_^
Thursday, July 20
life is juz like on the rollar-coaster
由前幾天早上九時Aunt的Sms.令我重新想七月尾的泰國旅行. 由本來我沒想過真係去請假的,
後來, 我知道自己只可以請2天假, 但因為沒有機位令我強迫自己再向高層申請多一天的假
竟然, 成功了 (我公司出名難請假的).
後來, 發現還了Non-mean Loan 後沒有Budget的時候, Aunt 還請我旅行 (那些推不掉的理由令我接受她的好意很感謝她, 我也希望就如她所說新年的時候請她去旅行一趟 ), 蠻期待與他慶祝生日.
我夢寐以求的工作模式突然間出現了 ( 最高興的當然她所講的Home Office和 MacBook Pro了) , 雖然還未十足十地confirm, 但我真是蠻期待
我希望第二件第三件的DreamComeTrue會接踵而來. I pray...
Wednesday, July 19
macau trip -jul 14th-16th

住 - 不錯的Executive hotelroom ( thx ryan)
食 - 等我想一想...有蟹粥, 大利的豬扒, 安得魯的葡tart, 非常潤的蓮子白果杏仁糊, 金沙蝦(yummy..), 義順蓮子燉奶........
玩 - 高卡車( 那摩打令車子震盪起來, 風馳電掣, 感覺實在太棒), bowling, snooker, 舊式足球機 (非常好玩,而且還很retro), 金沙睹場睹兩手(輸了一百大元), Disco ( 可恨的是凌晨3時才"正式"開始)
整個trip真是很不錯, 行程排得密密的. 而且大家的心情真是很不錯.
天氣也不錯, 沒有下很大的雨( 幸運地我們到了澳門而不是呆在香港, 如不是那黑雨就會spoil我的週末...) , 也不太熱( 否則男友被熱融了,嘻嘻)
開始發現與大家旅行多次後, 大家的旅行習慣已經有點相似 (玩的東西有點相似, 大家都有點HaeHae的去玩), 而且大家開始習慣我隨時隨地不斷拍照, 真的很好.
我相信我們大家可以再到遠一點的地方旅行了.. 很期待
p.s.不過, 我都覺得唔夠喉...快d plan下下一個trip 了
Hey, Ladies and Gentleman, juz have a look~ ur lovely photos on my album now.
Thursday, July 13
Tuesday, July 11
"喂!唔好扮野喎!" 他說 "沒有耶, 真是起左身啦" 我反駁。
"你? 哈, 你做咩呀? 扮小學生舉手問問題呀?" 他回答.
Monday, July 10
marathon phonecallzzz...
1st Phone call -
had a deep / intense tel. conversation (about 2.5hrs) with windy baby. we talked so many stuffs. i didn't tell her about my love affairs before since the situation is weird. but after one topic ( i dun remember what this is) i just start trying to say the things out which make me confused and upset.
she told me what she saw and what she feels...i feel better after that. most confusion seems clear out , and i start to figure myself out...
u know what, i think i m good in speaking my feeling out with my bf. However, it;s doesn't. when i get any severe conversion, i think" oh, what a pity, why you do that?! u must be (blahblahblah), it is useless to ask you about that....u must tell me what u think if u want to " All the adverse things will accumulate deep in my heart, it will exploded when i can't bear it. You may say i m a stubborn gal, i dun want to ask. however, i knew it is unfair to him.(in fact, i do like windy 's character, she will juz try to ask straightly until she can get the answer )
*after the talk, i hv learned sth, i should ask and not juz to guess.
thanks windy, u really make me feel better after this call, and i do really like you say your stuff to me also. ^_^ i m glad to be your listener..
2nd Phone Call -
had a conversation with my bf (about 2 hours), i had told him what i m thinking. i feel a lot better..
thank you for listen my murmur, and pls try to forgive my attitute. i knew i should trust the words u tell me And it s really sweet that he told me what he think about the coming England trip, i m touched.
( i will bring him to the harbour in Liverpool, i swear )
* after this talk, i hv learned sth , to speak out and trust
3nd Phone Call -
had a conversation with my old schoolmate Anthony ( 1.5hrs) i knew this guy for almost 8years.
we talked lots of stuff too, and we talked sth which related to Jean.
In fact, Jean is one of my best best best friend, since i knew this gal for almost 12years.
We share our feeling, our youngster life, even share my i feel regret that i didn't pick up her phone callsss in these years( and i will try to improve that , my mobile isn't sucks ) and i think we seems far apart
she juz come to my place last sat. she closed her heart, and dont tell me what she think exactly, she juz say some moliu things to me...after the talk with anthony, i realize that my little JeanJean had changed. And Anthony said what he thought about love affair, " Give and Take is a basic mechanism to make it work" He said.
* after this talk, i have learned sth - Give n take, but not to calculate whether it s balanced or not. And i should treasure my old friends.......
Saturday, July 8
Fian & Joh wedding party @ Birmingham, England

the photos make me remember the days in aunt, uncle.... clear blue sky and greenie lawn......
wish Fian & Joh, all the best....
(i m stunned when i see Fai on the pic.....he is my HK friend who join my cousin party in real, meanwhile, i m sitting at home and see the pics thru internet, it s weird....)
grad show + 鬼堿

整套影片很有打機都感覺( 那些追追逐逐的場面..而閉氣過橋的一幕, 令我想起QuakeII, Biohazard, Silent Hill …)
整片子的場景很美, 很喜歡那遊樂場的場景 (那些石硤尾的7層公屋, 中間有兩個摩天輪, 天空掛著正在搖擺著海盜船, 那些7彩的紙條在空中飛揚..)
所有東西被遺棄的都留在那空間, 有兒時的玩具, 有去了世而沒有後人供奉的先人, 那些被媽媽墮胎的嬰兒
被遺棄的感覺真的很不好, 我想起了兒時的獅子毛公仔......
人, 念舊一點好
p.s. 知道Converse和Camper的好處了....
Friday, July 7
Royal College of Art Summer Show 2006 - Digital remains
A design for storing memories in the digital age, Michele Gauler suggests that in the increasingly digital terrain of our future we will no longer be able go to the attic and look through a box of old letters and photographs to remind us of dead loved ones. This kind of material is more likely to be stored digitally and found by looking through a loved one’s desktop. She proposes a system where all our personal information is stored on a remote server that is only activated when with a login key, the property of our next-of-kin. Once activated, one would have access to digital storage of a loved one and be able to hear the last piece of music they listened to, image they stored or email they sent. This thought provoking piece explores how we may deal with rituals of mourning and remembrance in the digital age.
you can go here to get more details about RCA show
crash 撞車
buy finally, we watched that. the story is talked about the racism , discrimation in LA. the storyline, somehow, i think it s a bit too dramatic, but it touched my heart. Discrimination existed in every minutes, everywhere. there s some misunderstanding between the races. discrimination occured and worsen becoz of revenge taken . it never ends .
hey, juz squeeze your time out and watch that , it worth. And try to love and forgive.
Wednesday, July 5
3秒他又打電話來,情況如之前一樣.如事者五次,我開始有點怕,心想:怎有可能連續五次都是捭錯吧! 我立即打電話給他數次…竟然…沒有人接聽
2. 他被打劫, 要求我去救他, 但他出不了聲, 他用摩絲密碼通知我 (那環境聲就是密碼)
3. 他暈倒了
4. 車禍…
十分鐘後, 他打電話來” 咩事?下 ,我有打電話比你咩?”
我對他說我種種想法, 他說: 嘩, 這些只是電影中出出現的情節呢..
頂..晨早被嚇一嚇 仲要比人串. 唉, 人都癲 ( 不過, 當他打電話來時, 發現他的聲音原來幾好聽, 嘻)
Tuesday, July 4
thom yorke -new album announce @ 11st July
在電台中得知Radiohead的thom yorke 單人出了新碟.
DJ播了其中一首歌, 很有舊碟ok computer的感覺 ( 正~~~)
第一次聽到他的聲音於數年前的電影天黑黑中(他與Bjork合唱的I've seen it all 真是不得了)
後來經過朋友的介紹下聽到creep, everything in the right place....之後看過他們不少很stunning的MV ( 例如 Fake Plastic Tree, Rabbit in the headlight) .
之後,就愛上了他. 他的聲線, 他的眼睛.
如果你喜歡他那dark dark 的聲音, 快點聽聽他與PJ Harvey duet的The mess we're in, 非常非常的棒~~
(不過我不知道那大碟的名稱, 如果知道的話, 請告知)
Monday, July 3
Lovely weekend / sunday~ wow
got a really lovely weekend and sunday -
watch the basketball match, it s exciting. i think when a man who concentrate on his sport / work, it s so charming indeed..luv it wow.
after that, i attended the birthday party in Repulse bay ( the host place is superb. so many nice cars inside the carpark, her flat got a really nice seaview, a taller-than-me subwoofer , projector TV..richy richy...and the most important thing is the hostress is such a lovely and kind gal). we watch the World cup - England Vs Portugal ( my heart is broken when i saw Beckham cried ) and Brazil Vs France ( i fell asleep on the coach during the comment at all)
sleep at 5 and wake up at 12 at his home. it s really lovely that i can sleep by his side ( it s pity that he can't sleep well), and then we juz go to have a afternoon tea, watch the Over the Hedge ( the lovely squrriel and 3 hedgehog babies are funny) and computer mall.
in fact, it s juz a normal weekend / sunday. However, i feel so good. i saw his smiles all the time
starting from this 3 months, i think it s the first "no alcohol " weekend. i like that too~
i hope he can feel like in the same way.