Wednesday, May 31

dinner*bowling*karaoke @ Tuen Ng Festival Eve & Tuen Ng Festival day

with *Ryan*Windy*Leon*Lilian*Kirk*Rebecca*her bf (dun remember his name sorry~)
had a great dinner at but scotland beef steak... yummy..

after our lovely dinner, we went s, i haven't play this games for almost 7-8 years and i admit that i m really weak on this game.. ( u can see my humiliating score in belows )
leon told me i should let my arm relaxed..but it s really hard for me..sigh..

hey, ladies n gentlemen, just give me some time. only i need is practice, i can do it, believe me ..hehhe

karaoke after the bowling..(such a tight schedule ).sorry that Leon, Rebecca and her guy can't join, it must be more fun if they can~~~

5 of us drank 2 bottle of Baileys ( I LUV IT MOST) and 1 bottle of Chivas. its seems i will get drunk.But the weird thing is - I DIDN'T, and I didn't feel dizzy as well~~~lol

And it s long time i haven't played till sunrrise.......when we came out from the karaoke, its 6 already....i felt myself energetic still ..hohoho...
really had a great time~ i m really looking forward to hang out with you guys.. i luv

BUT, when i just lain on my lovely bed at 630am, my body just like broken into numerous tiny pieces ( it s really a sign to prove i m getting older.sigh.....)
In fact, i know i should not do that, since my body's problem, and i havent sleep enough for past few nightss...( i notice that when he phone me at 640am sorry )

and then i slept like the dead until he phone s about 3:00pm

  • I have missed the art exhibition with twinzen
  • i ditch mesodo - since i said i will go to APA to give her a hand...sorry, my lady~
But, thank you for his coming today, it s sweet that i can have a tasty hot coffee and a cake to be my breakfast / lunch.
u know what, it s great still we can just lying on the bed and watch the movie. what a cozy and lovely holiday. ^_^
i can go nowhere n sleep whole day , playing computer, playing with doggie, do sport, art gallery, cafe, movie, HMV.....

pls don't misjudge me by using the first few paragraphs~ apart from alcoholic gal, i can be a healthy gal also

oh, healthy sha, it almost 2:00am, let s go to sleep....goodnight~

Tuesday, May 30

Before Sunset 日落巴黎

看了Before Sunset日落巴黎 的VCD, 這隻是我上一次在HMV選購一大堆的其中一隻. 終於開封了

故事是講男主角Jesse於巴黎在自己著作的發佈會上重遇了9年前於Vienna相遇一個法國女子Celine. 故事只是講了他們在巴黎數小時.
在其對話中知道9年來雙方仍然掛念著大家, 而且二人都勾起了從前未能放下的回憶.

很喜愛這種淡淡的感覺, 因為全片都是男女主角的對話, 在巴黎的街道, 在café,在公園小徑、在遊輪上、在車上,聊工作、聊人生、聊過去未來、以及對愛情的看法,從頭到尾, 男女主角的對話沒有停過, 鏡頭也一路帶著沒有斷過. 觀眾就像在一旁偷窺的人,一路窺探到底,浪漫的理想與殘酷的現實,在本片一覽無遺。

開始明白 Jesse要不斷延遲前往機場的時間以及兩人為什麼都不提以後...
看著時, 有點怕自己也像男女主角那樣....真有點sad……
所以, 唯有就是要珍惜眼前人....

p.s. 快點買第一集before sunrise~~~

sparkling, sparkling

Thx, Billy~~
I love sparkling water,
One of the cabinet @ my room just full of sparkling water…its look cute..

Monday, May 29

work in the lovely monday morning

it s time to work..
cafferine is running inside my Blood vessel

Sunday, May 28





看了數篇仍是這樣, shasha真沒用 -_~"

Friday, May 26


2:40am@ home.

tune still playing my favourite songs....
my mac still running photoshop and illustrator....
it s the penalty of hang out with friends tonight

headache is haunting me.eyes are dry..handshake occur
u deserve it..

work hard...

Thursday, May 25


我習慣在公司上班的時間聽著電台. 今早由一個我很喜歡的DJ做節目
由The Pianist的主題音樂, 到Tori Amos唱的silent all these year ..Eason唱的活著多好...
不知名俄羅斯女歌手唱的Us..moby唱的 why my heart feel so bad

有點sad, 但很感動

雖然眼睛望著那LCD, 對著illustrator, 左手按著鍵盤, 右手按著光學Mouse
這一小時, 心飛了

6 month = 12/2 = 1/2 year

11:45pm 23/5/06 手提電話的行事曆之提醒響起. “ baby, 6 months la.....”他給我的一個提醒.很甜哇..

24/11 - 24/5
和他在一起剛剛有半年的時間...他的確有不少轉變, 和初初認識時的他不同
朋友說我們是一個奇蹟, 兩個不同工作層面, 在一個”這樣的情況下”認識, 而且像很穩定似的.

一句應允下, 我們的第二十日到了台北旅行 ( 當時我將annual leave的改期, 連將上海的機票改期了)
還記得後來二月的北京旅行之前我仍然不知道他在想什麼, 當時, 我覺得溝通真是有點問題. 但後來旅行後, 發現其實問題都不是沒有方法去解決, 在旅行中, 認識了他的家人..又發現和他有一點共同的生活習慣...開始感覺是穩定了下來

所有東西都要時間, 去想, 去了解, 給自己也要給他一點時間 (thanks you, jan, u taught me about this)

想想. 半年. 不是一個很長的時間. 這是第一次用 "年" 來interpret 一起的時間, 感覺是很好的
在預期之外收到了禮物, 是一對牙刷( design from Germany or Sweden). 我之前已經喜歡這個.
喜歡的原因是因為把它們站起來時, 一高一矮, 一紅一灰, 高的有一個圈圈著矮的一枝, 兩枝依偎著, 就像一對couple.
而且, 牙刷, umm, 可以代表著intimate relationship, 嘻嘻!!
而另外的wooden block, umm..如果加上他的字跡就會多好呢..^_^

sms中的"wish anniversaries never end" ...很窩心
everything is possible.
just try Mr. Right..Mr.Incredible..Mr.Wonderful...Mr.....

~Happy 6-month Anniversary~

Tuesday, May 23

Monday, May 22

i love you, wanroom

i m just crazy for them.....
why on earth can't my mac support msn? got my lovely wanroom icon and wallpaper....ding~ >_<

Panoramas - lovely

just browse the website which talk about the opening of apple store @5th Avenue, NY. And i found out Panoramas ( the popular photography in recent) got a official website, you can just sat inside your cozy home and fly to the place u wanna go....
i m just finish the Da Vinci Code tour.....awesome....

Reminder: QuickTime Needed

Sunday, May 21

da vinci code 達文西密碼

watch Da Vinci Code with *Leon*Kirk*Lilian*Windy*Ryan

in fact, i m looking forward to this movie for 1 year ( as i remember, i finish the book last year). when i knew the main cast is my idols - tom hanks and audrey tautou, i m so exciting...

and as i remember, i have a trip to paris after i read the book, i just going to Musée du Louvre and see the mona lisa, the madonna on the rocks
umm...the movie is not bad indeed. but i think the book is better than that.
first of all , i think the book really emphasize on symbolism, some art history , critics of the painting..(you can get something after read )..but the movie....hmm, i just think it s just a like a story....
meanwhile, 2hrs30mins is not enough to interpret all the story. and the movie skipped some important part....

and you know what, i can't stop thinking when i watch the movie in that 2hrs and 30mins. my brain keep working, so after the movie, all of us are exhausting really.....

i m think robert langdon as i imagine when i read this book , he should be a a tall, thin and knowledgeable guy with glasses. but tom hanks....hmm....he seems old....
and when i read the book, i love the cast - silas. a miserable, faithful catholics. but the movie, i think it cant describe it deeply.....poor silas...

but the movie...make me wanna go paris again....le louvre..tour effiel, palace versailles...the mussel..onion soup...printemp the mall...oh...i miss it really

if you don't like the movie, just buy a book , u will love it more, i promise...

Friday, May 19

good mood~

心情持續向上, 工作所有的不如意也不能拖垮我的好心情
(唯一可恨的是減肥計劃仍然要如火如荼地進行 ...sigh.....
今早一張開眼睛, 藍藍的天....心想 "唔洗咁靚呀?!"
add oil dear gals~ ^_^

Tuesday, May 16

Alcoholic Gals

lets imagine, baby-

date: 16th May, 2006
time: 8:00pm
venue: Luxurious Seaside restaurant, HK
dishes: French , or Italian maybe

Two alcoholic gals - sharon and windy sat inside a luxurious seaside restaurant with lovely black deep-v evening gowns , they lifting up the glasses elegantly (with wine absolutely) and said " Now, we swear trying to be non-alcoholic gals, cheers~~~”
After one glassof Red wine of Bella Fontaine 2003, they think this wine's taste like sweetie sweet. So they start pouring more and more into their empty glasses…..

Red wine bottle emptied.
Sharon and Windy both faces turned red, Sharon start smiling all the time, and Windy start picking up her mobile and scolded her friend in ENGLISH

They both yelled “ oh, we got drunk again, sucks~”


Fortune telling

其實,我真的很怕。因為暫時所有東西也不俗。我擔心的是相士會對我說一些我不想聽到的說話 (因為她是會不留情面,有話直說的 )

  • 屬水, 但由於生於夏天, 所以要用其他東西來補充
  • 聰明, 人緣很好, 善良, 多桃花, 早婚, 都有點錢, 但喜歡花錢, 所以她說我要到45歲才可以儲蓄
  • 旺父益子 (-_-"), 但益子較多
  • 73歲是一個很大的難關, 如果過到就可好, 如不.............
  • 是一個主動的人, 如果喜歡的就不會理會其他東西去做. 但不喜歡的做什麼也不能打動 (thats right)
  • 生肖蛇的是我的貴人. 但貴人是要自己去尋找
  • 非常的喜歡思考, 叫我讀多一點哲學的書..但由於情緒化, 所以常常會往壞的地方去想
  • 由於有什麼x孤星在什麼x宮 (我當時真的不太明白), 所以有時會有孤獨感, 之後就會想東想西, 不過相士說是一個訓練自己獨立的一個好方法
  • 14-23也是非常浮動,多桃花. 上年(2005年)是轉變的一年 (是真的,因為和ex 分手, 公司大變動 )
  • 由於情緒化,而且在24-34歲是非常浮動的一年,所以要買多一點白色或者綠色的東西令自己平靜下來
  • 適婚最佳是2010年, 不過今年開始已經可以結婚了 ( 不是吧 -_-") 結婚還令心境靜一點. 而且對career有幫助
  • 有時對著另一半時可以很獨立, 但有時就可以很小鳥依人, 可以很極端的 ( 真的準, 想見上個blog)
  • 不適合做生意, 不適合投資地產.
  • 我問她設計是否適合, 她說還可以,但不是最好. 而關於電腦的,她說我不適合 ( 我想graphic design...-_-)
  • 她說我是適合做一點對多點人的工作, 而最佳的是屬金和水的行業 - 她說"你不如去試試空中小姐 或者 演員吧, 你是非常合適的吧!" 我笑說 "如果客人駡我, 我是受不了的" 她說: " 你? 不會的.信我!" . 同事們即說" 你? 不是吧?看看你還可以對著senior笑的態度就知道你是可以做服務性行業吧" (可惡....)
  • 說我一定要工作, 要令自己忙一點,忙就什麼都不用想, 如果我一空閒的話, 就會想東想西 (是的,一得閒我就會自找煩惱)
  • 我問她我何時不用再工作, 她說”你常常花錢,而且你不工作是不好的,所以你晚年才退休的" (oh...sigh..我不想這樣呀..)


  • 她說" 你們性格上是很似的, 但是你就主動一點, 說話會漂亮一點 "
  • 早婚,善良,有點錢
  • 你們是非常重感情,善良 所以你們會走在一起 ,兩個地位相約,所以他不會是霸王,而我也不會是女王
  • 是一位專業人士, 工作運不俗, 比較起來, 他會節儉一點, 所以會剛剛好.互相補充的
  • 是夾的,說我會旺他的 ..(^_^ 他真幸運 )

準不準? 認識我的朋友就知道了..... be continue.........

Monday, May 15

happy mother's day ?!

在Mother's day 竟然和媽媽駡起來
原因往往是一些芝麻綠豆的小事, 我頂撞了兩三句, 她開始蠻不講理起來
說真的, 我真是沒有什麼大脾氣.
我就是不明白, 她對她的所作所為Minimize得不見了, 但她對我就是將一件小事Maximize到極點
怎樣說, 對我都是不公平

晚上原本想和她在家中吃吃晚飯, 後來我選擇在第二家中吃著麵包對著電腦發呆

沒有辦法, 只可以這樣做

Friday, May 12

What a contradiction

*發現自己 喜歡中國傳統東西 *卻又發現自己 真有點東方主義
*發現自己 想看多點書 *卻又發現自己 一看書就想睡
*發現自己 常常可以對著朋友嘻嘻哈哈 *卻又發現自己 一個人時很容易哭
*發現自己 想productive一點 *卻又發現自己 常常對著電腦發呆一整天
*發現自己 可以很獨立 *卻又發現自己
*發現自己 常說沒所謂 *卻又發現自己 往往也有所謂
*發現自己 喜歡休閒生活 *卻又發現自己 玩得很瘋狂
*發現自己 想背著背包到處走走旅行 *卻又發現自己 但實在有不少顧慮
*發現自己 珍惜朋友 *卻又發現自己 很懶打電話
*發現自己 的朋友說我EQ高 *卻又發現自己 心情飄忽不定
*發現自己 喜歡半夜的寧靜 *卻又發現自己 是要睡多一點
*發現自己 喜歡與小狗玩玩 *卻又發現自己 與小狗相處的時間太少

*發現自己 討厭種種的藉口 *卻又發現自己 多了一點藉口

Dance 2 @ HKAPA

昨晚與*Melolo*Doris回到APA看了Dance 2的dress rehearsal, 拍了不少照片.
由20:00到23:00, 整整3小時的dance show坐得腰也酸了, 肚子餓得很, 真有點吃不消
五個dance piece, 最喜歡是第二隻- Beyond.
Beyond, 是modern dance, 講
Nijinsky內心世界. 事實上, 我對modern dance瞭解不深. 但當我看此舞時真是感到痛苦無助
Chereographer 編得好, Costume好, Setting 好, 音樂非常的好.(真的不知道是哪位音樂家寫的)


*要買一本有關modern dance的書先看看

Tuesday, May 9


haven't home for almost one week already, so i just home after work.
Dinner, TV, playing with SaiSai, Playing MSN.......i enjoy it soo much.
Have a great talk with my bro, start to know his recent life. And i found out our aim is totally different ...And i asked him about his opinion, it s rather neutral.

He ask me to concern the place, which is a bit boring place - not too much entartainment, no nightlife, no superb shopping mall, no updated s really hot, 35 c all the time......all you can do is just hanging around, dinner, home, watched movies on the weekend.........
He didn't like the place and he said it s not for the young men....

But the place is really good for living, since the environment is far far better than HK. And work pressure is rather low, since its government claimed the citizen should enjoy the life after 6, so OT is not occured frequently
And he said his female colleage (who doesn't have a great face ) still being chased by Adorable and Handsome foreign guySSS ( Romanian, Czech, German...) i think it s great !!hahaha........

And when you go there with your lover, then all unfavourable stuff are just being minimized la....hehe^_^ .
Just visit and take a look first....

Monday, May 8

after chaos.

Aunt had invited me to her bday dinner yesterday night. I m really love to even though my mood is rather low.
As a matter of fact, i m glad i went to the dinner since it will lower the mood more rapidly if i stay at home alone.

it s sweet that Aunt knew my worries. She told me about the atmosphere, and told some examples which is workable even though it s harsh. It made me feel better.
He is not a talkative person, so i really don't know the exact situation. And after the dinner, i seems know more about it.
It s a hard decision to make which affect his future indeed. Sorry that i made his burden even heavier. U know, i can't control my adverse feeling when i m low , it just haunting me all night.

But, i know i need to get out from this situation.
i convince myself not to think too much, all i can do is waiting for his final decision.

"Believe in Sha, she can make it . " Sha told Sha. -

Sunday, May 7


wrote on 6th may -

So many things happened these past few days, And all the stuff seems change my life in certain extent.
i am the talkative gal, willing to share everything to my friends. but in this situation, i am speechless.When he tell me in the first time, I just try to say some rational words. Be honest, it s good for him,
he should not miss the golden oppurtunity becoz of the tiny me. other than those rational words, my brain blank, like all the stuff was washed away by flood.
in fact, all gals wanna be your lover's baby, wanna hanging around with him. but i didn't have any other reason to hinder this. i hate myself being selfish.
thank you he had ask me the opinion, i felt being respected at first. thank you he had help me to think any possible ways...... i m really appreciate it. i will try my best at first.
i believe in destiny, if it is not yours, it still leaving you eventhough you hug it tightly.

it is 3:ooam now , just back from party @ cwb.
this is my first drinking party that i didn't drink any alcoholic things
when i back to the party, what a mess......
i hate myself that i didn't get drunk.
if i drunk, i can't see the tears of my friend, the anger of my friend.....any messy situations will not screen into my eyes.,,,my eyes are misted up .......
when i get off from a taxi, i felt so bad, i start to think i m so tiny...what can i do?....something was dropped on the street, n i found out its my wallet....anything i can't grab it tightly, even this bloody red tiny wallet.
every sad thing arise from my head again-
grab it or let it go ? is it workable if i just be faithful ?

everything seems unpredictable, unforseeable, frightened me......
i just want to slip into my lovely bed with my simpsons. my only shelter...

Thursday, May 4

Match Point 迷失決勝分

The man who said 'I'd rather be lucky than good’ saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward and you win…or maybe it doesn’t, and you lose.”

A one-time tennis pro, Chris Wilton (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) was used to falling just short in his life. But when he befriends Tom Hewett (Matthew Goode) and marries his sister, Chloe (Emily Mortimer), the doors are opened to the kind of money and success that Chris had once only dreamed of. Chris should have settled for happiness, but he is torn by his attraction to Tom’s impossibly beautiful and sensual fiance, Nola (Scarlett Johansson). The attraction turns to an obsession that forces Chris to make a critical choice. Now everything in his life hinges on if Chris falls short again…and whether or not his luck runs out.

昨晚雖然痛得要彎著腰, 但由於一早已買了戲票看了Match Point ( Directed by Woody Allen), 沒想到70歲的活地亞倫可以拍出這樣一部很緊湊的電影.
男主角在兩個女人中間, 一個(Chole)是可以令他的生活安穩,有美好前途的人, 而另一個(Lola)是可以帶給他激情的人, 他當然是想自私地擁有兩者. 但後來情婦Lola懷孕後就發現安穩生活比起"愛" 緊要得多. 兩人只可以選擇一個之下, 他佈局殺了Lola.

其實他殺人佈局漏洞多多, 但幸運之神之眷顧下, 完全沒有被人發覺. 他仍然擁有幸福家庭, 高薪厚職....
最後介指的一幕, 真是出人意表, 全場人都嘩了一聲..

我最喜愛的是Lola以及其鄰居亡魂的一段 ( 突然間好像在看鬼片一樣), 男主角看見他所殺的人之亡魂, 淚流披面, 但他完全沒有什麼悔意. 他不斷用藉口來解釋 (就像我一樣)......解釋過後, 亡魂消失...

而關於愛情的那一段, 他是否真的愛Lola呢? 還只是Sex Appeal呢? 如果他是愛的話, 他不會不放棄安穩生活, 不會大話連連, 不會懷了殺機.... 他不是不愛他的妻子Chole, 但如果他是愛的話, 他不會背著他的妻子和其他女子鬼混, 不會有去意.
如果是你, 你會怎樣選擇? 安穩生活還是愛情 ?

p.s. 背景音樂 十分的好~很match
p.s. II 去看看它的of
ficial website呀, 也很不錯的
這是肯定是我近年愛看電影之十大之一. =-)

Wednesday, May 3

天灰灰, 下著雨

胃也想令我的心情加速滑落, 痛得利害, 連說話的力氣都沒有

我現在可乖了,四小時一次,一日四次, 每次一粒....what a tragedy...


Tuesday, May 2

發現所有病菌知道你的身體出現毛病時, 他們會群起攻擊.
莫非他們通過電話密謀大計 ? shit....