Tuesday, October 25
Cirque Du Soleil 索拉奇藝坊 - quidam
今天買了cirque du soleil 的ticket ,12月2日, 坐第三行。
很高興,因為坐在旁邊的就是用1400大元買的vip ticket....用600元就可以坐得那樣近,很平宜呀
Monday, October 24
看過了親切的金子. 發現原來韓國的導演也可以拍得出非一般的電影
而李英愛之演技也是我預料之外的 , 那紅色的eye shadow, 黑色的boot…..真是耳目一新
一個善良女子的復仇, 一面笑著一面想如何殺自己憎恨的人
復完仇後,洗去眼蓋上的紅色眼影, 但心裡有可能回復像以前一樣的善良無瑕嗎?
Wednesday, October 19
Thursday, October 13
opps...the new imac65 is awesome
Just watch the "one more thing " video from apple.com...
the new imac g5 is awesome......the remote control, the isight built-in.........fantastic.......
and the price is better.....ai ar.......
it is very very very good
and the new ipod , hmm..........it is lower than my expectation........
but..........it s time to save up the money , 60gb...i am coming....
BUT....when we can buy the music video, music and tv show from itune music store....i am waiting~~~~