Watch the movie - The terminal in the cinema tonight, really like Tom Hanks, since the time of Forrest Gump....
i just wonder that i watched many movies that he act : Forest Gump, Sleepless in Seattle, You' ve email, Catch me if you can, Green Miles.....
This movie, is more funny than i expected , since i suppose that the mood is seems like Sleepless in Seattle 緣份的天空.
However, it's not.
The film is good, however, it's quite exagarrating, i just wonder why the ppl can sleep in the airport for 9 MONTHS, it is unbelivable, and also , the most funny that is he can earn by himself in the airport and buy a Hugo Boss suit and Meet a BEAUTIFUL flight attendent ~~~~
I love the Peanut Can, i love the scene of New York Snowy Night, I love the actress, I love the airport , i love this movie